
Fic commentary: self-serving, or interesting?

Dec 06, 2004 23:56

I'm feeling a little unproductive today... not feelin' the muse right now, and I was wondering... would anyone be interested in reading commentary for some or one of my stories? I've m ade a poll of 3 of my favorite fics from my various fandoms. I'm not sure if you have to vote in each fandom, and I know that not all of you read all of my fandoms, so I made a "none" button for each fandom. Don't feel like you're insulting me by putting none, all it means is that you're not into that fandom, or you'd prefer a different story for that particular fandom. I haven't decided if I'll do a commentary for each fandom, or just the one that gets the most votes. I do know that I'll do the most voted for fic commentary first though.

Each fic is linked to, so you can refresh yourself on what fic it is I'm talking about in case you don't recognize it by title. Even if it's white, it's still a link. Sorry about that, I 'll have to tweak the "visited links" color and the "Active links" color.

Poll Which commentary would you be interested in each fandom?

ETA: I'm gonna leave the poll open til Sunday night, because I'm out of town for the weekend, and I doubt I'll have time to do more than one before the weekend. I'll probably do the one with the highest votes by the weekend though.
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