Nov 13, 2011 14:27
We called the new dog Link. He's a good boy, he completely housetrained in 3 weeks and if he doesn't warn us in time to let him out at least he pees on the verandah or on the towels in the birdroom. Banjo took AGES to house train. He has learned to be more gentle when they play and hasn't left any marks on Banjo for about a week now. I was pretty worried that he would constantly bully her to be in charge but I think he has accepted that she is higher in the 'pack' then he is. The only reason I pushed that so hard is because she is such a sook and he is going to be so much so much bigger then her I didn't ever want her even a little hurt. She has accepted him as well and they play all time. This week was the first week he didnt have to go to work every day with Matt, he was able to stay home with Banjo. It went really well, no accidents in the house, they didn't destroy anything and no complaints from the neighbors about howling or anything. He does have a high prey drive and his instinct wants him to chase the birds but he is finally learning not to. For those of you that have me on facebook there are pics of him up there.