Jan 26, 2011 15:19
Australia day. Very glad of a free day off work.
Very understaffed at work and super busy because of the floods and everything else that has been happening too. It is a bit stressful and extra shit at the moment. Getting close to 2 years being there now, starting to get over it but i don't know what else i would do Government pays so much better than anywhere else for customer service. They are supposed to provide us with development courses so that we can move up or into different positions but I have been waiting forever for that to happen.
Saw Tool on monday night, not as awesome as their last show I saw but i'm still happy I went and i bought a keyring and the brisbane tour poster. MC came and I think it was probably his first real "metal" concert so different for him but still good. Nothing eventful happened really.
Birds and Banjo are all well, washed everyone and did cage clean outs today so they are all happy. Banjo is doing well, she isn't getting much bigger so she is either the runt of her american staffy litter or crossed with something that only comes through in size.
Saving to get enough to get out mum's place again, going to be paying about $100 more in rent then we were paying before the roof fell in. Mum says she is gonna rent this house out to someone else which is retarded. I will dig up all my massive bromeliads before i go. I hope we find somewhere that will be decent about the birds and Banjo and will also let me garden. This weather has made my broms and orchids Very happy, pups everywhere!