Oct 27, 2010 22:07
I know you read my blog, even though I can't remember the name of yours. I want to tell you here like I have everywhere else, that I am so sorry. I am sorry that I neglected your needs because I was so caught up in a world that isn't real. It isn't all my fault...we had problems with you withdrawing into yourself before but that was combated by my nature before I actually started playing WoW, and got caught up in a world that became a job into itself. I am so sorry that I let my life get to that point and even worse that it drove you away. I love you so much and I can't explain how much I am kicking myself that I didn't show you the affection you so richly deserve and have been wanting and been showing subtle signs to try and get me to read. But, as you have told me so very many times before...I am not a mind reader. I have no telepathic powers. If you really are trying to tell me something and it is important to you, tell me. You so often told me you hated the female mind games...please don't let it end like this just because I couldn't read the signs (thick as a brick wall apparently).
You leaving has been a huge reality check, and trust me when I say that things have changed. Come back...come back and see what has been done. Please...All of your stuff is here...and I am here. Please give me a chance to prove to you once and for all how very much you mean to me.
I love you.