quick rant on AMVs/fanvids

Apr 10, 2011 13:50

First time posting here, looked through the amv tag, and haven't seen this stuff ranted about (at least as far as I looked, and by the way, thank you to the people who recommended vids, I'm so happy to see that)

Okay, fellow fanvid editors, I know sometimes it gets hard to find footage for your video that goes with the concept you have in mind, but please, please stop using clips of Ven and Roxas as if they're interchangeable! I can take it in a few instances, but I found a video the other day that was supposed to have a little storyline in it featuring Roxas and others, but most of the clips showed Ven, barely any of, you know, Roxas. I can tell the difference between them, guys, you ain't fooling me!

(The only time I can take it is if you were doing a mash-up/parody/whatever-you-wanna-call-them, because if you're a stickler for lip synch, Roxas doesn't talk as much as Ven, so you might have to cheat there. I had an idea to put Kingdom Hearts to audio from Firefly, and using clips of both Roxas and Ven was the only way I could figure out how to edit, so I'm not totally unforgiving to this way of making videos.)

Also, to the people who use manga/fan comic scans to make a video? Credit the source material! I have gotten so sick of seeing the "Innocent" fan comic being used and never credited anywhere, neither in the video or its description. (I do love the irony of how I've seen it used mostly for Riku/Kairi vids, but that's beside the point). Why is it so hard for people to say, "Hey, the song is this, and the scans are from that" to give credit where credit is due? It's just common courtesy.


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