It's such a strong word, really

May 22, 2010 20:24

Dear certain members of the KH fandom, I understand that there are some mean fans out there who bash characters for no good reason, or who do have good reason, but are unnecessarily mean about it, but can I say this, to you.

Not everyone who DISLIKES a character is a hater, or HATES that character.  I know you may not mean too, but I've read one too ( Read more... )


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mzminola May 23 2010, 15:25:06 UTC
I don't analyze and pick a part why some people like so and so, can I and others please have that same courtesy back when we don't like so and so?

As individual Fandom Haters are not accurate representatives of the Dislikers as a whole, well, neither are you. Some non-hating-yet-still-strongly-disliking fanfolk do pick apart why a character is liked, or ask the likers to "clarify why they're so fond of a such a blatantly terrible/boring/insert-your-adjective-here character". Or go "I know others like her, but she's such a Mary Sue, I don't get it, can someone explain it to me?"

Just because you aren't doing something doesn't mean we aren't allowed to call out the people who are doing something.
If you're referring to White Knighting on general forums, yeah, I can see that getting real old, real fast, as quickly as the disparaging does. In a place just for rants though? Yeah it can get old, just like any other of repeated rant, but is this the right place for lack of analysis?

The hating bothers them, they rant.
The rabid character-defense bother you, you rant.
Everybody gets a rant party! Yay!


cp_jacksparrow May 23 2010, 18:46:41 UTC
"Just because you aren't doing something doesn't mean we aren't allowed to call out the people who are doing something."

Thank you! My thoughts exactly.


onlyinthislight May 23 2010, 23:06:57 UTC
"As individual Fandom Haters are not accurate representatives of the Dislikers as a whole, well, neither are you. Some non-hating-yet-still-strongly-disliking fanfolk do pick apart why a character is liked, or ask the likers to "clarify why they're so fond of a such a blatantly terrible/boring/insert-your-adjective-here character". Or go "I know others like her, but she's such a Mary Sue, I don't get it, can someone explain it to me?" "

Yes, and as neither I am representative, neither are the people who do ask for justification for liking a character. I don't have a problem with calling out the individuals who do spread hate and so and so, but I do have a problem with being defensive to the point that you assume all dislikers are haters, and even if they are not haters, are wrong for disliking in the first place unless I or someone else approves of their reasoning.

I also don't have a problem with analysis, but repeated analysis? Yeah, that gets old and clogs up my flist. It also gets a bit high and mighty, if instead of asking or promoting discussion and thought you are preaching the right and wrong ways to feel about a character, and putting arguments into other fans mouths.

But I'm making this issue sounds more serious than it is. All I fear is that the over-defense of characters is starting to create prejudices against those who aren't bashers.


mzminola May 23 2010, 23:24:18 UTC
Exactly! No one is representative of of anyone but themselves, so if someone is ranting about someone who is Very Clearly Not You...then they're not demanding things of you, or being discourteous towards you.

Assumptions do make things quite irritating, totes agreement there. Especially since I like analysis, and assumptions get in the way of them. Approval for reasoning is pretty ludicrous too, I must concur, especially since a lot of it boils down to a combination of Interpretation of Canon, and "your milage may vary".

There is a way to be in communities without seeing them on your friends page. Clears up clogging wonderfully.


onlyinthislight May 24 2010, 00:20:06 UTC
I didn't have a problem with calling out specific haters, even if they did sounds rather close to personal attacks, it was the insistence on arguing and negatively painting every possible angle there could be for disliking some characters on top of that. The implication that so and so isn't just a bitch for being in everyone's face about their dislike, but because of the dislike itself in the first place -that's the kind of attitude I take issue with. But, I'll admit most of that is the impression *I* get from all of those kinds of rants and comments and discussions from places outside this comm and on it. This really wasn't meant to be a direct response to one particular rant. Sorry.


mzminola May 24 2010, 00:54:07 UTC
Saying the dislike itself is a problem from all possible angles would be rather much, I can see that. Especially as sometimes dislike is simply a gut reaction as much as like is.

No need to apologize, though thank you. I think I was mainly replying to your Bonus Rant rather than the main one (with which I agree).


cp_jacksparrow May 24 2010, 05:17:20 UTC
"it was the insistence on arguing and negatively painting every possible angle there could be for disliking some characters on top of that."

Except that I DID mention (in my rant at least) that not every angle for disliking Kairi was bad. From the rant:

"Now I'm fine with someone disliking Kairi, but not if the reasons are irrational."


"Some opinions she has are all right, though I don't personally agree with them."

Reasons like the ones you have for disliking Xion are fine with me. I may not agree, but I'll defend to the death your right to them. But when someone hates a character for reasons that are 100% canonly false (Kairi/Namine/Xion are bitches and EVIL!), yeah, THAT'S when I'm going to call the haters out. If this offends you, then (no offense), tough.


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