It's such a strong word, really

May 22, 2010 20:24

Dear certain members of the KH fandom, I understand that there are some mean fans out there who bash characters for no good reason, or who do have good reason, but are unnecessarily mean about it, but can I say this, to you.

Not everyone who DISLIKES a character is a hater, or HATES that character.  I know you may not mean too, but I've read one too many "in defense of' rants lately that seem to carry or promote this fallacy that if you don't love or support a character, you hate them.  That, rational basis or no for your dislike, that dislike is HATE.

Hate is a fairly strong thing to accuse a group of people of.  In certain conversations it implies irrationality, immaturity, and malice on the part of the person accused of harboring it.

I don't like Xion.  I don't find her story compelling or her personality all that endearing, in fact, she bores me a tad in Days.  Now, do I hate her?  No.  I'm just not a fan.

And that's okay.

Bonus mini-rant:  And frankly, I've played the damn games and I'm an adult. I don't dislike Xion, or any other character, for that matter, because I am ignorant or unaware of some little fact or nuance of KH that you must explain to me.  I do not  "not get it" or her role in the game, or am unaware of her motivations and struggles.

I don't analyze and pick a part why some people like so and so, can I and others please have that same courtesy back when we don't like so and so?

And finally, besides some very obvious criteria, you don't get to decide what defines a 'good' reason to dislike a character versus a 'bad' one.

Thank you, and sorry about being so harsh. 


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