It's such a strong word, really

May 22, 2010 20:24

Dear certain members of the KH fandom, I understand that there are some mean fans out there who bash characters for no good reason, or who do have good reason, but are unnecessarily mean about it, but can I say this, to you.

Not everyone who DISLIKES a character is a hater, or HATES that character.  I know you may not mean too, but I've read one too ( Read more... )


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onlyinthislight May 23 2010, 05:58:19 UTC
It wasn't really you, it was at a lot of rants recently. I understand, Xion, Kairi, Sora -bashing, it all sucks, but it gets to a point where white knighting goes too far, where you look for hate where there is none because you've been unfortunate enough to be exposed mostly to the extreme haters out there, and that doesn't do anybody any good.

We know that calling Kairi a sue and Xion a slash-homewrecker and so on and so forth is pretty fandumb, can we please move past it? Because it feels like, if you do happen to dislike one of these characters, and if the subject comes up or if someone asks, you want express that, you have to explain yourself or you are labeled irrational. Besides, the comm is well aware already why these kind of judgments are fallacious. There is no need to re-decontruct, re-argue and re-defend these kind of idiotic statements every time you find an individual who spouts them *to the comm*, because we get it. You need to bring this up with the individual if it helps, not preach to the choir.

So, you found someone who has some pretty shitty things to say about a certain character and you need to vent, that's fine, but there's a line here between calling a person out on being a hate-monger and explaining and arguing against their opinion every step of the way for what has to be the umpteenth time on this comm, argue against each little facet of their opinion to the point of redundancy,to point out each fallacy no matter how obvious, the need to undercut their beliefs and tastes, and not just the entirely rude way they express them.

If someone says they don't care much for Xaldin, or Hayner or Donald, then they don't really get any heat, but dare they say Kairi or any one of those characters who have ever been bashed then they better have a paragraph or twos argument explaining themselves in the most apologetic fashion lest they be called troll.

We shouldn't HAVE to explain why we dislike something. No one gets to decide what is or is not valid reason for disliking something. Or if you do, please keep those judgments to yourself like you claim the haters should. Calling out each incident of bashing, each person who does it, it gets redundant. We here on this comm all know why character-bashing sucks and is often illogical. Point out that a person is being a hate-monger, sure, that's rather a public service, but there's no real need to go wasting your time arguing against every single point they present, the fallacies are obvious.

[Err, for clarification, the 'you' used in this comment isn't a, it's a general you. eh... like, not you specifically. *facepalm*]


userfriendly_x May 23 2010, 07:51:41 UTC
this. oh god, this. i'm not running around with a "I HATE XARMY" t-shirt on or anything. i just don't like xion. if i'm asked to justify that one more time, i will kick somebody!


fortuna_s May 23 2010, 13:39:20 UTC
(don'tcha ha...DISLIKE the English language and its failure to make a different word for second person plural? XD)


cp_jacksparrow May 23 2010, 18:46:00 UTC
"So, you found someone who has some pretty shitty things to say about a certain character and you need to vent, that's fine, but there's a line here between calling a person out on being a hate-monger and explaining and arguing against their opinion every step of the way for what has to be the umpteenth time on this comm, argue against each little facet of their opinion to the point of redundancy,to point out each fallacy no matter how obvious, the need to undercut their beliefs and tastes, and not just the entirely rude way they express them."

Um, yeah, there was a reason for that: this person DID explain her "reasoning", and that "reasoning" was shit. When something's so blatantly contradictory to canon, then I don't feel like I should hold back on my thoughts and arguments.

"If someone says they don't care much for Xaldin, or Hayner or Donald, then they don't really get any heat"

Speak for yourself; Donald bashing pisses me off.

"No one gets to decide what is or is not valid reason for disliking something."

You're right, I don't. Canon facts DO, however.

And I AGREE that you shouldn't have to explain why you dislike or hate something. Tell that to the person I ranted against, who loves to "explain" her hatred every chance she gets, including those when she's not asked.


onlyinthislight May 23 2010, 22:51:46 UTC
"Um, yeah, there was a reason for that: this person DID explain her "reasoning", and that "reasoning" was shit. When something's so blatantly contradictory to canon, then I don't feel like I should hold back on my thoughts and arguments. "

Like I said, this A) wasn't a direct response to you and B)if is blatantly contradictory to canon, then you shouldn't need to even explain how it is so. Give the people on this comm a bit of credit in that department.

"Speak for yourself; Donald bashing pisses me off."

I didn't say bashing, I said "if someone says they don't care much for.."

"You're right, I don't. Canon facts DO, however."

To an extent, but sometimes canon facts aren't so cut and dry, and there is room for interpretation. For example, if someone thought that Kairi suggesting to Sora that they take the rafts for themselves in KHI was kinda mean, then they aren't wrong or right about Kairi's motivation, that's just how that particular piece of canon makes them feel about a character, for example.

"And I AGREE that you shouldn't have to explain why you dislike or hate something. Tell that to the person I ranted against, who loves to "explain" her hatred every chance she gets, including those when she's not asked."

And like I said, this wasn't a direct response to your particular incident. You had every right to call this person out on being a hate-monger, my beef is with the idea that any one person or group gets to decide what are valid reasons for feeling the way you do about a character, or the generalization that those who don't love a character 'hate' that character. That's all.


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