Please, be more offensive. No, really; I'm not enraged enough.

Apr 14, 2010 23:47

I am running on only two hours of sleep approximately...15 hours ago, and should be sleeping, but goddammit people on the internet piss me off. >:[

So much swearing in here, seriously, I apologize in advance )

common sense, yaoi, fanbrats, whatthefuckery

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powercorrupts April 15 2010, 20:51:47 UTC
What, no one ever gangs up on straight guys for liking lesbians. It's hot, and therefore cool, but for a girl to think that gay guys are hot and cool, we're obviously stupid and think it's funny.

This was the part that really made me facepalm.

See, when guys get hot and bothered over lesbians or talk about having sex with twins they can trust that everyone knows it's a sexual fantasy, that it's normal, and that it's not actually refering to guys going up to lesbians in a lesbian bar and asking them if they want to have sex with him. They can because, hey, they're guys. Guys get a lot of slack for having very public sexual fantasies. The Y chromosome is just lucky that way.

The part that bothers me most about the belief that interest in slash makes a girl dumb (and makes all female parts of fandom dumb by association) is that, the best I can figure is, it must somehow stem from it not being okay for women to possibly A) have their own interpretations of male fictional characters that might not mesh with some privileged straight male's view of them, or B) be objectifying a fucking fictional character the same way men do to female fictional characters all the time.

I try to give boys in fandom the benefit of the doubt sometimes and assume they're flipping their shit at option A and it's just the shock of "but that contradicts my view of this character as being someone like me, how dare you coopt them to be someone other people can identify with!" but honestly I'm not sure which is stupider.


(The comment has been removed)

powercorrupts April 15 2010, 21:11:07 UTC
I was agreeing with you. Facepalm was for the nitwits like in the OP's post, sorry that wasn't more clear. I removed a sentence there and I thought it still made sense without it and apparently not. Fail on my end.


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