Your Fiction Isn't Canon

Feb 08, 2010 15:34

So, I have a friend that wrote a fic some years ago. It's decent--needs to be rewritten with her improved skills, but it has potential. Anyway, I remember a very ridiculous review she got from it that made me scratch my head. And decided I'd let you guys at it.

Just a note: in this fic, it's slightly AU so that Roxas and Sora are twins instead of Nobody and somebody.

"This story is getting intresting but so you know Sora and Roxas are just two of an 11 child family, they are the sons of the two Chasers Ryo the Chaser of light and weilder of the keyblade of all hearts and the kingdom key which is one of the three forbidden keyblades, and Hanya the Chaser of Darkness and Dawn who weilds the Dark Keyblade named Dark Doom and the forbidden Way to the Dawn, part of there family is Riku, Kairi and her twin Namine and Blaid as the main family members. Blaid is future king of Radient Garden as he is the oldest and Ryo and Hanya after the war of the keyblade 30 million years became King and Queen of Radient Garden as the keyblade master community that they led was destroyed with all the keyblade masters from the war. Blaid weilds two keyblades, the keyblade of the Inferno called Flaming Inferno and the the keyblade of the conbination of creation and destruction as well as light and darkness, the Oblivion keyblade called Blazing Oblivion. Blaid later in the final battle against Xehanort uses his father's heart keyblade called Flaming Hearts, eventually both he and Xehanort perish though Xehanort passes his power down to a new born child named Xehart while Blaid just reserects himself. Blaid will be king due to his parents dieing against the Xehanort's heartless or 'Ansem' the seeker of darkness's betrayl and were killed by the original six members of Organisation XI with Xehanort's nobody Xemnas (Mansex, changed name around X-E-M-N-A-S/M-A-N-S-E-X) the seperior. However there is a chance that Sora and Roxas were adopted when Xehanort banished the real Ansem the wise before being evacuated...keep at it."

...Am I the only one wondering WTF he's talking about? apparently, it's his own fiction with his own Stu, and somehow now Riku and Kairi and Namine and Sora and Roxas and Repliku and Marluxia and-- are all siblings.


Yeah. She seriously got that review. :/ Copy-pasta'd from her fic.

Allow me to go headdesk now.


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