On Original Character Nobodies

Jan 10, 2010 15:09

Okay so the idea of a nobody is admittedly a really cool premise. Yeah I get that. Incomplete beings incapable of feeling.

But here are a few OC-related rants that have been bugging me.

Okay so let's pretend you wanna create a KH OC. A nobody. Okay? Okay.
First off, in the game there were thirteen (well that's kind of debatable) Nobodies. But the only nobodies that were shown were in some kind of organization. But who says your nobody has to wear that black coat? Who says they have to affiliate with any organization? I admit that the temptation to join an org-related club on dA might be high, seeing as clubs like Org-infinity have gained a lot of popularity on dA, but it's getting kind of cliche. Why not try making a freelance nobody? Better yet, a nobody who is unaware that they are even a nobody in the first place? That's a basis for a really cool fandom OC.

Secondly, character creation to begin with. I see a lot of the same type of OC on dA- crazy technicolor hair, long black coat, ridiculous weapon. Okay so like two or three org-members have improbable hair designs. I get that. But S'xxflamdax or Fexliscf or whatever you name it doesn't have to have spiky five-foot long green hair. I mean it's your choice, but you might be stepping into sue territory for the sake of originality.

Okay moving on to elements and weapons. There are some huge clubs *coughinfinitycough* who claim to be very exclusive and original. So they don't allow duplicates of any weapon or element. I get that, they don't want all keyblades and katanas, but it's getting kind of ridiculous. I'm gonna pull some real examples of elements here. Shard. Wolves. Dinosaurs. Ebony. Beets. I'm gonna be honest. Those make no fucking sense. We have a periodic table for a reason, folks. And so maybe there are some duplicates. So what? You can never claim 100% originality with a fandom OC. That's why they're fandom OCs. Weapons are a little bit trickier, I think, if you're aiming for originality. But there's no set rule that says your nobody needs a weapon. Or an element, for that matter. That could be a cool premise, too. A nobody who just wants to be human, and refuses to acknowledge a power.

Alright now NAMES. This has been bugging me forever and ever. Just because organization XIII added an X, doesn't mean you have to. Assuming that your nobody is created before or after the Org XIII, their naming might differ. Naming a nobody itself is a pain in the ass. I mean they need a certain number of vowels or it makes no sense. Again, let me pull some examples I found on dA. All of these are lulzy. xSyng, Bexryc, Yxthras, Tesehxirti, Katlx. Ttixigbre. Kwaxua. Um. Try and pronounce these. Try. It's ridiculous and repetitive. Something new, plzkthx.

let's pretend you did all of those things and created a suitable nobody.
let's pretend you even joined a club or two.
good for you.
BUT you're not done yet. Oh god not yet. This next thing may be my biggest fucking pet peeve with fandom ever. You ready for this? Get out your notepads. Okay ready now?
So DON'T try and feed me some bullshit story about how your special little snowflake fell in love with some other nobody and had nine kids and lived happily ever after. That doesn't happen. If you can't emote, you can't fall in love. I guess the kid thing is a little justifiable. I mean sex is pretty instinctual rather than emotional, I'd say. But if that's the case, your nobody isn't gonna be a good parent. Sure, they might watch over the kid and keep it from getting killed, but nobodies are physically incapable of loving their children.

Okay and one more thing. If you make a nobody, be aware that they kind of need to STAY a nobody. Trying to conceive a story where your nobody regains their heart and returns to their normal life is most likely gonna result in plot holes. :I

/on a side note, I'm a hypocrite. I created a nobody when I was around 14, but I ended up growing attached to it, so I'm severing ties to fandom. I didn't realize it then but holy shit I was a fanbrat. But you can't really call a fandom OC your own original character. That was sorta the conclusion I came to.
/ps I just needed to get all that off my chest. Nobodies are srs bsns. lolol
/edit oh god I hope this went under a cut I'm totally new at this ffff

original characters

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