I believe I have my very first troll. JF;LDSANOENLAS

May 11, 2009 11:21

Since I couldn't remember whether it was on LJ or not, I posted my latest fic oblivion to 0kingdom-hearts and khfanfiction. Aside from several nice, normal, squee-worthy comments, I also received this comment by someone called animejournal2:

I knew you wrote a review about Detective Conan, but you being a KH fan changes everything! You are officially on my "AlwaysthaBestPeopleEva" list (ABPE)! My favorite fan-fiction is Kingdom Hearts fan-fiction.

I'm... not a Detective Conan fan. I didn't even know that fandom existed till now.

When I politely informed her that I had no rutting idea what s/he was talking about (not to mention that saying "I likes KH fanfix" =/= actual feedback), s/he then replied with this gem:

hmmm strange...well this fan fic was funny! thats all i know! are you a kh fan?

Of course I'm a KH fan, seeing as I had posted it in a KINGDOM HEARTS COMMUNITY! And is there any other Roxas in the world besides, you know, the city?

My urge to kill it with something blunt and painful is already quite high, but I manage to keep my head. Ish.

Another eloquent saying from animejournal2:

yea especially the part where Axel says "I don't hate you too." That was hilarious!!!!! Roxas and Axel have a strange relationship.....lol Axel is awesome though!

I'd like to call this person out on how stupid they sound and then stop talking to them altogether, but my civility is overriding my urge to snark. That line she quoted is FAR FAR FAR from hilarious. It's not even an issue of whether my writing made it unclear--I have no idea how she could take it at face value!

Considering how hard it is for me to keep from tearing my monitor to bits, I'd like it if people could suggest a non-violent way to MAKE THIS GORRAM IDIOT LEAVE. How did this person make it through high-school English with a passing grade?! Have they even TAKEN high-school English yet?!

akuroku, whatthefuckery

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