I owe you nothing.

Apr 24, 2009 10:25

This may not necessarily be KH specific, but it is unusually common enough in the KH fanfiction realm for me to feel it being worth mentioning.

I don't care how much I like your fanfiction, begging and whining for reviews and then holding your own precious writing as a ransom is a sure fire way to demotivate me from continued reading/reviewing.

I know, I know, it sucks when you ask for constructive criticism or advice, or receive loads of hits and favorites, but get no comments.  I understand that part of one's motivation to write comes from the attention, praise or constructive criticism you receive.   That a lack of such leaves you little confidence to continue writing.


I consider a hit a good thing.  I also appreciate favorites, and I don't need constant praise to keep me writing, because the other part of what motivates me to write is that I enjoy the fandom and I enjoy writing.

Additionally, dropping or postponing a story simply because you don't have enough reviews to feed your ego is a dick move towards all those that have already reviewed or commented on your work.

Finally, keep in mind that there are numerous reasons why someone is not reviewing:

-  Some people just don't know what to say.  Simple as that. 
-  Reviewing each  individual chapter of a story can get redundant.  Chances are, if I like a story, I'll review once on the first chapter, or on the last chapter that I have read in one go, saying thus, and then keep to myself unless something changes in the story that I don't like, or think I could help improve by offering some sort of advice.  I comment on and review stories as a whole, unless I'm YOUR FUCKING BETA.
-  Time.  Sometimes, I want to just sit down at my computer, relax, and read some porn, and not have to worry about thinking up a paragraph-long review to show my appreciation.   I write my porn in the hopes that others can enjoy it in such a stress-free manner as well.

At the end of it, it's okay to get a little disheartened at a lack of positive feedback, or to lose a little motivation to write because of it, but there is a fine line between that and bitching and moaning and acting passive-aggressive by withholding your writing (which is also quite egotistical as well) when you don't get the showers of praise you believe yourself to be so richly deserving of.

No one enjoys reading author's notes full of review-whoring this extreme.  In fact, for me at least, this kind of behavior tends to ruin an entire fanfiction for me.

*Steps off her soapbox, and kindly refrains from pushing anymore of her holier-than-thou shit down your throats.   Thanks you for reading.*


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