Dec 03, 2008 20:51
Yes, I know this has been ranted on before, but gosh am I ever sick of it, so bear with me.
So recently I've been searching the Pit for good Organization XIII genfic; maybe some missions, some snark, some in-character writing, whatever's decent. Only problem is that this sort of search seems to be amazingly fruitless...unless I'm doing something wrong. Recap time!
Day 1: Searched for Larxene genfic, as she's my favorite member. The only fics that looked any kind of decent ended up with one or more pairings (is it so much to ask to label your fics properly?) or were incredibly dark and exploited Larxene's sadistic side to the point where she was barely recognizable as anything other than a machine out to mutilate/maul the world. Everyone knows that's Saix's job anyway.
Day 2: Attempted a search of Adventure fics with Organization XIII in the keywords box. ...I'm sorry, but your "All the young members of Orgy XIII go to the mall yay!" and "Axel, Roxas, and Demyx My three favorite members pull a prank on all the original members except Zexion cause he's hot and Lexaeus cause, uh who the hell is that?" fics really, really don't interest me, nor do they really belong in the Adventure category anyway. And in case you didn't notice, Xemnas is Superior for a reason, people. Yes, those were 20-ton, 30-story buildings flying at you at ludicrous speed. I seriously doubt that Axel, Demyx, or even Larxene would ever dare to mess with him by blowing a hole in the side of Kingdom Hearts, besides the fact that they kind of need those hearts, remember?
Day 3: Gave up on Organization XIII genfic and just went for Kingdom Hearts adventure fic. After 14 pages of craptastic sequels, mpreg mindblowers (which still freak me out), countless "a mysterious girl washes up on Destiny Islands and a new adventure begins" stories, and, my personal favorite, self-insert "this is based on what happened to me and my friends the other day lol" fics, I just gave up...again.
I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I noticed about the Organization (and also why I really love them) is the fact that they are awesome, kickass, quirky, won't-take-no-crap-from-anyone villains. So is it so much to ask for a story where we get to see those powers of badassery in action? Thank you.
End of rant, but one more thing. If anyone has any recs for good Kingdom Hearts/Organization XIII genfic, specifically of the action/adventure type, I would be forever indebted to you if you would link to said awesomesauce.