what in the butt indeed

Aug 16, 2008 00:05

First post is first, and also written in the middle of the night with some beer and popcorn keeping me company, so bear with me.

I've been puzzling myself with fangirl logic for three days straight, and come into two conclusions that maybe, just maybe help keep my sanity in tact while I browse shit in order to find some decent (slash) fanfiction:

1. Just because character X is taking the dick up the ass doesn't mean he necessarily submits to it (at least partially) against his will. Actually, I've yet to see a fic in which bottoming is used to manipulate character Y or just preferred because character X thinks it's tons of fun.
(And I'm talking about yaoi, because I don't think Larxene owns dozens of strap-on dildos just because OMG PENIS-INSERTING = DOMINATING. Because Larxene totally has balls.)

2. Fanbrats don't know shit about writing about depressed characters. I don't claim I'm the master of it (I've been writing a fic for 9 months because I can't post anything I don't find believable), but depression does not equal emo behaviour and can't be just cured with Teh Healing Buttschmexorz - which, in my opinion, should be kept as far from KH fanfiction as possible. Chronic depression is a crippling mental disease that, if not treated properly with professional care, might lead to suicide or otherwise harmful behaviour.

It's NOT Zexion going "my life is dark and nobody loves me and now I write poetry and drink a lot and paint my fingers black. Meh. I weep and hurt inside", no matter how funny you think emo!Zexion (or Riku. Or Sora. Or Roxas) is. Actually, I don't understand how that logic could work anywhere except in The Holy Land Of Crack. However, depression can be written well in a fic and I'd absolutely love to read one because I'm a sucker for realism.

I'm out of beer and popcorn. Maybe that's for the best.

common sense, weeping, yaoi, emo zexion

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