Are multiple pairings really nessesary?

May 30, 2008 14:46

The title pretty much explains the post. As I was going through in search of goodfic, I noticed a lot of "Sora/Kairi, Riku/OC, Roxas/Namine" and in some cases, even a fourth of fifth pairing like Leon/Yuffie or Cloud/Tifa. That is a lot to put in one story where the main genre isn't romance (note that I disregarded any fics where the main genre was romance).

So I have to wonder how relevant all those pairings are to the plot. Does everyone *have* to find a romantic other? I mean, if you can actually do it, all the power to you...but it seemed like an overwhelming majority of the time it either proved to be too much, or several of those pairings are extremely rushed, almost to the point of being sloppy and unbelievable.



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