Another crack!theory

Feb 17, 2008 21:17

So I was playing Jigsaw on Gaia Online today and was struck suddenly by the resemblance between a certain NPC and one of our favorite Nobodies...

(Large image under the cut.)

Larxene's 'other' was definitely Johnny Gambino's daughter. The hair antennae prove it! Behold:

There's even a chance that they both got turned into Heartless at the same time, as the bottom picture indicates. Perhaps Maleficent had her eye on Gambino's mansion/tower-thing... And obviously Larxene's charming personality is the result of having had a crazy father and a rather effeminate brother. Poor Gino; she probably picked on him mercilessly. >D And she took ninja lessons with Edmund. Yes.

Checked and there's no sign of the idea lurking there. I'm half tempted to try to drabble/one-shot something with it...

larxene, crack, crossovers

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