Last Names...

Jan 26, 2008 21:50

Okay, I'm aware I'm gonna get massively disagreed with on this comment, but I hatehatehate fanbased last names.

Especially the dumb ones: "Sora Hikari", "Zexion Nomura", "Demyx Uematsu".

But seriously, guys.

"Roxas key"?

what the hell?

Okay, guys, since I was so prodded to do so, I actually read part of the fic.

It's only in it's first chapter, so it has promise. But I still found a lot of annoyances in it while ignoring the last name.

The writing was bland at best, mechanical in the way most fics are. Roxas is a british (though I saw the use of no british slang whatsoever) journalist, and it's extremely unrealistic in the fact he goes on a tyraid about how his writing sucks, including things like "dfjlasjdksfjl" and "wtf". Because those are things a semi-established british journalist uses, right?

But what really lost my interest was (even though the author claimed it was "crackish") the touch of unreality to it.

He whines to his mom about not having a boyfriend.

Clearly someone did not do their research. As close-minded as America is about being gay, the british are three times over. I have a close friend living near Manchester who has a very established family and they near shun him because he's bisexual. For a very long time, his father wouldn't even look at him for taking over the business until he 'proved his worth'.

Homosexuality is not something often tolerated, as far as all my researches and conversations go.

And, what futher annoys me, is how the author handled "their fic being attacked". They showed no class, no confidence in themselves to simply say, "Oh, well, someone didn't like it. That was bound to happen." and then tried to turn things on me to say I'm--what was the quote?--a "petty, talentless, insecure sonuvabitch".

I posted on a Kingdom Hearts Rant community, because I have a rant to be had. I was not only involving your fic, but the fics of people that are on my friends list and that have used surnames, too. One of my close writing buddies used 'Demyx Nomura' and 'Zexion Uematsu' (or vice-versa, whatever). Yet you don't see them popping out of the woodworks to say they were attacked, do you?

If you can't handle the fact that the only bad thing I said about your fic was "you used a silly surname that I don't like" and can't simply ignore me for that, then perhaps you shouldn't take your fanfics to public domain.

wank, names

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