I <3 fluff.

Dec 12, 2007 13:01

Really, I do. I'm a sucker for cuddling and kissing. In fact, I think the world would be be a better place with more fluff. BUT, you can't make a fluff fic with, say, Xemnas and Kingdom Hearts Saix, or Vexen, or Larxene, or any of the villians though i'd love to see crack!fluff with Disney villians. You have to make the pairing fit. I highly doubt that anyone in Organization XIII would engage in fluff, not even Demyx. Sora/Kairi, on the other hand, could work. Does this sound right to you?

Saix wrapped his arms around Xemnas, and sniffed his dark, leather coat. "Xemmy, I love you, I want to be with you, and most of all, I want you to do me up the-"

"Okay!" *raep*

On another note, I hated it when people randomly changing tenses in their fics. It will completely disrupted the flow of the fic, to the point where it has sounding nonsensical. I have the vague feeling i've said that before, but whatever, it still ticks me off.

romance, xemnas, saix

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