Oct 09, 2007 18:43
It's bad enough that you have a self-insert Nobody Sue. YOU CAN JUST STOP THERE.
But you couldn't even make her name creative?
Because I was bored, I spent my study hall today anagramming my name (Diana) out into all possible Nobody names. I started by getting all anagrams of just my name. There were 60 of those alone. Once I added an X into all possible places, I had 360 DIFFERENT Nobody names. Granted, only about 125 of those were pronounceable, but still. 125 names? and to think, if I could just use Dianax.
BUT THINK ABOUT IT. Xemnas (or whoever normally dished out the names) gave most of the Organization very jumbled-up names. It would make sense that your Sue is the same.
"BUT, DIANA," I hear you say. (Or, perhaps, you may use Naxida, or Xaidna, or even Anaxdi.) "It takes so long to find all of the anagrams!"
Well, here is my response.
Of course. You can't find the time to anagram out a name, but you have all the time in the world to write your badfic.
Thank you for your time.
by the way, anagramming is very fun.