Gun jumping = noooo.

Sep 27, 2007 22:02

All right, fandom. Let's have a talk. I love you a lot of the time, honestly I do. I've met some of my bestest friends ever through you. You've brought me Zemyx, and goodfic, and all those wonderful things.

But to this awesomeness you also have flaws. And it is one of those that I come to talk to you about today.

The new games Birth by Sleep, 358/2 Days, and Coded do look cool, yes. And because I am Squeenix's bitch I am gonna do my damnedest to at least TRY to play all three. Who needs food, right? Now these games look like they're gonna have new characters. Terra, Ven, Aqua, the mysterious XIV. And they look like they're gonna be a lot of fun.

However, the point to remember is that right now we know next to nothing about them. Let me repeat that and make it perfectly clear: WE HAVE NO CANON FOR THEM. WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. ABOUT HOW THEY INTERACT. HELL, WE DON'T EVEN KNOW XIV'S NAME.

Newsflash: Terra/Ven is NOT hot. It may be in the sense of "OMG LOOKIT TEH HAWT YOWIE BISHIES!!!11!111", but for frak's sake, we don't even know the BEGINNING of their characterization! For all we know Terra and Ven could be great friends but throw them in a bed together and their personalities totally clash! FOR FUCK'S SAKE AT LEAST WAIT FOR THE GAME!

Let me make this perfectly clear: THEY. ARE. NOT. CHARACTERS. Right now they are FACES. Pretty faces, and ones that obviously have some relationship together, but still FACES. They will be characters ONLY when Nomura stops teasing us and lets us have the damn games already! When that happens you may write Terra/Ven to your heart's content. Until then, you don't even know who the hell they ARE, and there is nothing more - I feel mean saying it, but fanbratty - than essentially saying "fuck characterization, they're pretty, let's slash 'em! :D"

And while we're at it? Same goes for Miss XIV. And please don't call her Sexu or Sumyxera or whatever clever acronym of (Mary) Sue you come up with. She is a canon character, not some girl going "OMG I'M SPARKLY AND PERFECT AND EVERYONE LOVES ME AND I'M GOING TO BE ZEXION/AXEL/INSERTORGBISHIEHERE'S HEART FOR HIM!" It's funny the first time or two, but when you say that in all seriousness it just sends the NO AND FAIL warning sirens blaring. And while we're at it, no sexing up her with Larxene until we at least have a name. Dear god.

I'm shocked I even have to say anything like this, even to you, fandom. I hope this doesn't happen again. I'm quite disappointed.

....I really want a burrito.

yaoi, speculation, new game rumors, pairings

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