We might as well just fess up...

Sep 02, 2007 18:30

So. Recently, a post (and ensuing commentary on fandomsecrets made me think.

What fandom sins are we guilty of?

What cracky ideas have you spawned? Got any sues in your closet? Guilty of riding the OOC train? Have a rather strong dislike for AkuRoku, SoKai, or some other incredibly popular pairing? Engaged in any other fanbratty behavior?

After all, "let he who is without sin throw the first stone".

As for me, I'm guilty of:

- fantasizing about Riku/Sora/Demyx/Axel/Xigbar coming to my school and hanging out with me (college AU, lol)

- self-inserts/sues (HOH boy)

- sugar!crack!Demyx

- emo Zexion

- suuuuper-naive Sora

- ignoring Disney

- hating Akuroku (I haaaaaaaates it!)

- Multiple-Ansem Self-Insertion WTF sporking with INUYASHA! AND I'm the friggen' mod of heartless_fics. Woohoo, hypocrisy!

- NOT PLAYING CHAIN OF MEMORIES (but I've read the manga *hides)

- bashing female characters (not in the KH fandom, but X-men Evolution!Jean Grey and Kikyou... will you ever forgive me?)

And lastly, because I know that this comm is NOT an evil hive mind that will eat me alive, and that they've proved such...

I'm also guilty of this

So, what about you? Look at the tag - you are not immune.

you're not immune

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