You know what, fantwits? Your annoying slut!Riku and his near constant devotion to nailing Sora? You know who he's honestly starting to remind me of?
Zidane Tribal. Seriously.
Except Zidane is awesome, and is infinitely cooler than your total bastardization of Riku. If this complete bastardization keeps up by the morons, I will force them to play KH2 again, and make sure that they pay attention to the dialog.
There already is a Square character with a personality like that, guys! You probably won't get a lot of smack for using him; he's a Final Fantasy character. Now, stop making Riku a playboy, and drink your goddamn tea! I don't care if you think Riku being a slut is funny, he isn't one!
That is all,
(Is not-so-secretly thinking of using Zidane in a possible KH fic of hers.)
Edit: *Puts on "not from KH-fic, but still amusing" sticker* There are many acceptable alternatives to typing "penis". But guess what, you attention-seeking troll? "Erect tower of lust" is not one of them. Yeah, I laughed. Hard.