KH Fanfic Archive!

Nov 09, 2006 17:37

Hey everyone -- it's a bit off-topic, but we're conducting a poll. (**CROSSPOSTED SHAMELESSLY**)

We're ambitious, and in addition to our other projects, kay_willow and I are setting up a fanfic archive for Kingdom Hearts -- it will be a lot like FF.Net, in the sense of author profiles, a review system, a rating system, etc., but more specific, more communal, and hopefully more talented overall. (No one needs another Pit, but for anyone in the Kyou Kara Maou fandom, you might have noticed that they have this really nice Fanfic Archive, and we just thought, something like that for KH would be wonderful...)

Our question for you is-- what kind of a category system do you want?

We have two major options: sorting by timeline or sorting by pairing.

In the event of a pairing system, the top level of categories might read--
General Fiction
Het Pairings
Slash Pairings
Femslash Pairings
Mixed Pairings

In the event of a timeline system, the top level of categories might read--
Before Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Before KH: Chain of Memories
KH: Chain of Memories
Before: Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
After Kingdom Hearts II
Alternate Timeline

Which do you prefer? Do you have any other suggestions for how we should sort the archive? We're open to hearing everything!

(We can also offer categories within categories -- if we do a timeline system, you can still say that you want pairings underneath that, as in, you can click on "Post-Kingdom Hearts II" fanfics and still enter the "General" category from there, or however you like it. We know a lot of people get fussy to find slash in their het, or prefer genfic, etc, and want to avoid that.)

So let us know!

[EDIT: We are using FF.Net's search function. Once you've chosen your category, you can use a bunch of dropdown menus, just like FF.Net's, to bring up only fics with Riku in them, or only Fluff fanfics, or only fanfics rated Teen. What we're asking is what the main browsing categories (our equivalent of FF.Net's Books/Anime/TV Shows --> Harry Potter/Dragon Ball/LOST sections) should be. Thanks!]

community pimps, fandom love

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