This is more of a general rant:
Why are there so few good fics in the first person? D: It's been so long it's become an unthinking habit, but I'm thinking there must be something accounting for this gut instinct of mine to backpedal as soon as I see 'I' in the narration or the summary.
And then I see stuff like
this, and I remember. *headJapanesetextbook*
First of all, I'm pretty sure Roxas never had a brother, and I didn't see a label calling 'AU' anywhere. And I'm doubly sure aforementioned 'brother' was never in a homosexual relationship with 12-year-old gangsta!Seifer (Twlight Town is a pretty small... town. Hell, if photo-stealing is raising mayhem, I don't wanna think about boy-on-boy action). DDDD: I do not understand the need to suddenly create both of these out of the blue as a plot device for what will supposedly be 'a CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT STORY'. ;;; If you want to develop Roxas' character, it might be better to lay off the male OCs, yes? Unless his 'brother' is... ohgodno. *hides all canon Twilight Town males*
Secondly, the, uh, voice? I think part of the problem with 'I' voice is that it's a lot easier to slip out of character and into your own voice, because That is SO not something I can just be all ‘okey doky, poky wokey’ with.... Doesn't sound to me like anything Roxas would spout. :|
There's just something so very... off about that entire fic. The spelling/grammar is decent, which is throwing me off a little, but the thing gives me the heebie-jeebies. o_o;;