But Where Has All The Cid Gone?

Oct 18, 2006 00:46

Where is Cid? I know he's not the most major character in Hollow Bastion, but neither is Sephiroth and he gets features in plenty of fics ( Read more... )

forgotten characters, final fantasy

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tairako October 18 2006, 01:09:28 UTC
Do I have to repeat myself here? Because I will, happily XD

Cid Highwind is SEXY. SEXY AS HELL. And sarcastic and crazy and smart and brilliant! I have converted people before, and now I shall attempt a HOLY CRUSADE FOR THE GLORY OF CID!


yamikonumber7 October 18 2006, 01:19:05 UTC
*raises banner* Here's your first member!

Unfortunately, I am lacking in Cid icons: not enough slots. *is saddened*

Original post deleted because I used the WAY WRONG icon.


tairako October 18 2006, 01:52:04 UTC
Do you know that - as far as I can tell - there is no fan community on LJ just for Cid, in any incarnation? There's tons for just about every other FF or KH character out there, but the closest we get is a CidxShera community which seems to double as a Cid-stuff cache. I keep vowing to sit down and make a comm, but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up with it.


alicedear October 19 2006, 01:39:26 UTC
Are you serious Cid is awesome! Cid is...CID! That's sad. DD:


tairako October 19 2006, 03:47:41 UTC
I've never found one just for him. There's the CidxShera and a few slash pairing comms, but even those aren't very prevalent, especially when compared to what other characters in the fandom get. It's been awhile since I searched, but maybe with the NA release of DoC he got more popular - I've heard a few people say he was their favorite part of the game.


talim October 18 2006, 01:25:46 UTC
Second member, right here! :D


tairako October 18 2006, 01:54:10 UTC
Whooo hoooooooooo! Henceforth we shall venture onto the world to spread the Book of Cid!


sister_coyote October 18 2006, 03:19:36 UTC
*laugh* Word!


tairako October 18 2006, 03:37:10 UTC
Excuse me, I'm going to go drool over your icon for awhile now.


sister_coyote October 18 2006, 07:21:06 UTC
That icon has prompted a couple of separate instances of "OMGWTF Cid is hot." :D


tairako October 18 2006, 17:53:37 UTC
Well, yeah XD But we already knew that *drooool*


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