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Nov 01, 2004 09:22

I forgot to mention before. But, when I went to see Saw last night, I had to tape Charmed since it was a new ep. I come back and watch it, and this is an ep I had been looking forward to. It was a brief return of Drew Fuller, who played my favorite character, Chris, last season. His death last season was so annoying. When I read spoilers about him coming back for one ep, I was pretty fucking happy.

As should have been expected though, they fucked it up royally. He had an entire FIVE minutes on screen. His entire role in the ep was completely pointless and wasted. He basically is Leo's guide on a vision quest but does absolutely jack shit. He shows Leo like 3 brief as fuck flashbacks then pretty much dissapears as the damn Avatar idiot takes over into Leo's head.

It was a completely worthless cameo. They didn't even use it well for it to mean anything. That really pissed me off. I almost would have felt better if Chris didn't come back at all, than to give him that worthless stint with no substance. Fucking Writers, learn how to write.

Oh and then they had the episode focusing around a demon trying to steal guardian angels from innocents to help protect him from the oncoming threat of the Avatars. Since the introduction of who Leo was back in season 1, wasn't it already established that White Lighters are Guardian Angels? What the hell is with this show constantly re-writing it's own cannon?

Meh. Oh well, I suppose I'm long do for one of these:

Random Saying: Billy Goat the Boat sailed for days and nights, looking for adventure. Until Big Steam Conni Chung rammed his ass and sunk him to the bottom of the Pacific. Moral of the story: Don't fuck with Big Steam Connie Chung.
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