Feb 04, 2010 09:38
Karen plus LJ plus fanfic plus writing plus Skype plus IM equals smaller paycheck.
Mortgage company does not give a shit about above activities.
Teenage son is expensive and again does not give a shit about above activities.
As per icon...
Karen must exercise some self-discipline, which she is not exercising at this very moment because she is posting on LJ while she should be working.
My Daddy used to say, "Life ain't fair. Get over it." Ok, I made that up. He said, "Life isn't fair." I don't believe my father has ever said "ain't" once in his life.
Karen says many 4 letter words and concedes that he is right, after all these years. Life ain't fair.
Just sayin'.
So if you don't see me as much, until someone else volunteers to pay the mortgage... I'm on restriction. Self-inflicted restriction.
Again, as per icon...
real life