Heads Up! (announcement? promise? warning? YOU DECIDE)

May 06, 2012 22:10

So, I am about a day and a half away from my birthday. I'm not a big "YAY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY" person, in general. Most years, I don't do much (or anything at all) for it, and that doesn't generally bother me. I've worked my birthday pretty much every year since I started working (exception being when I didn't have a job, of course), and I'm working on it again this year. When I was in school, I don't think I went a single year without having to take a final exam or turn in a paper on that date, save for the years when it was on a Sunday (and those years, my b-day was on Mother's Day). But anyway. NOT THE POINT.

Point is, THIS birthday is one of those supposed milestones (I'll be 30). And I'd LIKE to go into my thirties being somewhat better-organized. As such, I'm going to be FINALLY putting all those fics that've been through fest reveals up on my own journal. They'll be going up on AO3, as well (man, I may fight with the formatting sometimes on AO3, but at least I can post even my longest fics in one go, as opposed to having to post something like two, three, or SEVEN entries to get the whole thing up on LJ). I'm also going to be updating my master list (with actual links and summaries and everything, wow) as I do that.

I've tried this before, and have always stalled out after a couple of days, because my schedule was so irregular I couldn't keep doing it, plus a host of other RL things that interfered. But now, with the promotion, the schedule's a bit more regular and, with that and some recent changes I've made to other RL areas, I can actually keep this up. It probably won't be something I do every single day until I get caught up (um. There are over 30 such fics. Yeah, that's a lot of fail. Whoops), but will be more like every day, or two, or three. At the same time, I'll be trying get my tagging system in order--some fics are tagged well, others are tagged a little, and others aren't tagged at all. What even.

And now, off to bed with me. Alarm goes off in 5.5 hrs, and I'm fighting a headache that wants to go all migraine on me (took my migraine meds, but they've not yet kicked in). I also want to get caught up on comments to my entries (fics AND RL) here, as well as on AO3, while I'm trying to get this decade kicked off on a do-not-procrastinate-on-little-things-that-build-up note.

(OH. On that sort of note: DH had an hour-long talk with his internship coordinator at the news station, and there's nothing official, but there's the possibility of good things on the horizon there. He'll know more in a week or two--after finals (and graduation) are over. So thanks to those of you who've sent good thoughts! Here's hoping I'll have even more awesome news soon!)

♥ ♥ ♥

i can be brief (sometimes), admin, general update, news, organisational stuff, i am made of fail, things to do

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