Some Good News (finally)

May 01, 2012 05:17

There are a few of you who already know this, but I've kept it pretty quiet for the last week. But now it's all 100% official in all the appropriate places, so I feel it's time to share my good news:


Yeah. After working my ASS off in late March (remember the 70-hour work week, and the 120 hours of work in 2 weeks, because one boss quit and the other was on vacation?)--as well as the rest of the time, they gave me Employee of the Month (got a gift certificate I'll prob never use and a card, plus it went on the corporate website). Last week, my boss (bakery dept. manager) came to me on lunch (where I was trying to squeak in a BOB check-in, heh), and basically TOLD me they were promoting me to Production Manager (as opposed to, say, going "we need someone to officially manage the back; would you like the position?") and giving me a raise. I tried not to have my outward response be a combination of 0.0 and o_0 before I accepted.

I've actually been doing 85% of this position already, only now it's official, with a title and everything, and I have a lot more authority (so, instead of asking another bakery employee to do something and hoping they do it because it really has to be done, now it's more telling them it has to be done, and they need to do it. No, I've not power-tripped. This is not my first time in a management position, and I've always got good reviews on that front). Now more responsible for supply orders, what we're bringing in new to the case, what we're discontinuing, quality control, recipe tweaks, etc.

But boss also wants to eventually train me to be his replacement, doing schedules and time card approvals (have done those things for years, at a previous job) and invoice-entering and basically everything but directly hiring and writing up employees (would not be new to those things, either). When those things start happening, they'll probably switch my title to Bakery Assistant Manager. He has no plans to leave at this point, but he's in school, and you just never know when things are going to require change like that (like he said, 5 months or 5 years). He and store director have already said they think I should attend the upcoming management seminars our HR is doing at the corporate offices later this month.

So. Yeah. Good news!

(Now, if y'all would just send good vibes towards the husband, so that where he is interning will offer him a (part-time) job after his internship is done later this week, that would be amazing. Seriously. If he gets one, we could probably actually move out of this place and get into a decent living situation, which would make life 40924 times better.)
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