Squeeful Weekend Recap and Other Stuff!

Apr 25, 2012 14:31

As some of you may know (especially those who follow me on twitter, because there was much anticipatory squee there), I got to spend a few days with uniquepov this weekend! I even (*gasp*), TOOK THREE DAYS OFF WORK, because there was no way in hell I was going to miss her visit.

So! Brief recap!

Wednesday: Long-ass day at work, then headed to campus, where DH was working. Finally headed to the airport to snag Lorca, who arrived after 8pm. After some mild "wait, I am here, why don't I see you?" confusion (damn you, east/west terminals!), we found each other! And there was some waiting for DH, who'd had to circle a few times, and then we finally managed to grab everyone some food, as we'd all failed to eat earlier, and then we got Lorca safely tucked into her hotel room. And then I went home and passed the hell out, because by that point, it was 11pm, and I had to be up at 230 for work.

Thursday: Was met towards the end of my shift, and after some general asking coworkers about recs re: food and drink in the fairly immediate area (what? I don't LIVE in the same town/city where I work, and I'm usually only there FOR work), and utilising google maps, we armed ourselves with some goodies and made it back to the hotel. There was delivery Chinese for dinner and chatting and general lounging, followed by my use of the phrase "D/s undertones" in regards to Suits, which let me more or less attempt to drag Lorca into that fandom :) Watched a bit of that before I basically could not stay awake any longer, and then there was sleep. Like, more than just a few hours of it. (My body, it was confused.)

Friday: Slept in (omg, that is such a glorious thing), we both put in some time sprawled out on our netbooks, doing work and/or writing-like things, before we decided that yes, food was important, and we got ready to head out. Hit the 16th Street Mall (a pedestrian mall downtown), wandered that for a bit. It was 420, which meant there were a lot of...characters around. Including someone dressed in lavender purple wizard's robes and giant pointy wizard's hat, doing tarot readings at a Starbucks patio table. ...Actually, that guy was probably not even high.

After wandering most of the length of the mall, we headed back practically where we'd started and had late lunch/early dinner and drinks at the Yard House (Lorca kept calling my drink "alcoholic Kool-Aid", but she... okay, so she was probably pretty correct in that description. It definitely SMELLED like Kool-Aid. "Strawberry Fields" martini ftw, okay?). Then there was just sitting out in the absolutely gorgeous sunshine for a while, and chatting, and then I appalled her with the information that, while I'd read the novel, I'd never heard any songs from the musical Wicked, so she sang some of them at me, and now I'm gonna have to acquire that damned soundtrack. And THEN she sang "Stars and the Moon" (from Songs for a New World), and I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD, which means I keep randomly giggling.

Also, for the record, she has a fucking GORGEOUS voice, and I am jealous.

After that, we hopped the train to one of the college campuses, because DH had got us tickets to see the production of Sweeney Todd being done on campus. Pretty good time. We were supposed to meet up with a friend of mine (a coworker of DH's; he's my "substitute/alternate husband"--long story, hehe), but the tennis matches he was filming for the sports show he does went for hours later than expected, so he wasn't able to make it. Went back to the hotel, watched more Suits, fiddled more on the netbooks (again, mostly work for her, mostly writing attempts for me), and eventually crashed (well, I ended up crashing probably 2 hours before she did, but eventually there was sleep for both of us).

Saturday: up late again (hey, we both took advantage of it, since neither of us really ever gets that chance), followed by more netbook time. She IM'd me while I was sitting 8 inches away, and then tweeted me two minutes later. Standard silly fangirly times. :D Eventually, we got ready for the day and went out to meet up with slytherincesss, who lives nearby. The three of us had Indian food for lunch (after some complication on my part, because I am allergic to an ingredient that is in, even according to the owner, EVERYTHING THEY MAKE). Finally got that settled (with a yummy chicken korma), and had a lovely conversation over lunch. After that, we headed out to the Denver Botanic Gardens (somehow, despite living in the Denver Metro Area for years, I'd never been). Another seriously amazing day, weather-wise. Julie and Lorca took a bunch of photos (I have no camera, and cannot compose a shot to save my life; photography may be a hobby of DH's, but in 10+ years together, I have not absorbed any skill in that field), and I wandered around and looked at the pretty and tried not to run away screaming from the 8 zillion bees (okay, so I'm a wee bit phobic of bees and wasps >.<). I ended up slightly sunburned (a surprise to NO ONE who's ever seen me. I flash-fry in the sun like a damned Anne Rice vampire), and with a random bite from something (at least it was not a bee or some such). Julie dropped us back off, and we basically took it easy for the rest of the night.

Also, we might have finished the rest of the Suits episodes while she did work and I did fic-things. *victory arms*

Sunday: Made sure everything was packed and nothing important had been left behind, then DH showed up to put luggage in the trunk of the car, and the three of us had brunch at the hotel's restaurant, with the addition of much conversation. After a couple of hours of that, we dropped her off at the airport (boooooooo), so she could head on to Seattle for work.

So that's basically it. We did not do totally wild and crazy things, like see Boylesque (burlesque/striptease, but w/ male performers), which aparently happens once a month, and took place on Thursday) or do anything to get us arrested. But it was amazing company and fun times and I enjoyed the hell out of it (except for having to give her up to RL afterward) and I got Lorca!snuggles, which are awesome beyond awesome.

Also, for those of you who've asked, sorry, no pictures. Like I said, i do not own a camera outside of the one in my phone, and either way, neither of us are fans of being in photos. Lorca might have ended up with some good ones from the botanic garden, though.

Other stuff's been going on, and I will post about that soon-ish (some work stuff, some other RL stuff), and I aim to start getting fic up on this thing more regularly. I have a brand new fic (Suits fandom) beta'd and ready to go...except for the fact that it does not yet have a title. D'oh. Will try to think of one SOME TIME today, but I am busy beyond busy today. I would really like to get this thing posted, though.... Not to mention the dozens of other things I need to post here and AO3 (I have over 30 fics--mostly H/D--that have gone through fest reveals and are STILL not posted anywhere other than at the original fest. I FAIL SO HARD at that particular thing).

(Also, shiny new ultra-tough and hard-to-lose 16 GB flash drive was a gift from the husband the other day, so I REALLY need to get all that stuff organised and backed up appropriately, which means going through final copies of fics to be posted)

Oh, and if there's anyone interested in joining in on Round 2 of the suits_exchange fest, signups are going on now (and cut off Saturday night). Click  here for the signup post, or  here for some updated information!

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm slowly catching up on people's LJs, but I don't think I'm EVER going to get completely there. But I'm trying, even if I don't always comment after reading due to time constraints! *hugs everyone*

general update, i ramble a lot, i am made of fail, in which i squee, my flist contains awesome people, fandom stuff, real life stuff (sorta), meeting fandom people, i need more hours in the day

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