Despite Work's Attempts to Kill Me, I am Still Alive!

Apr 17, 2012 05:19

No, really, work is freaking insane.

But this is a short post, and rather than confuse you all with zillions of details, I'm just gonna bullet point some things and elaborate a bit, to explain where the bloody hell I've been for the last few months and such, and fill you in a wee bit on what's going on.
  • Work Imploded: No, really. Asst manager got transfer!promoted, manager got demoted (from dept manager to bakery production manager, new manager got brought on, former!manager/still!supervisor resigned, and that left Khas all alone in the bakery production kitchen. For 2 weeks. No, really, there were two weeks where I was the only one in the store who could make a damned cake, let alone anything else we make (and there's a LOT of stuff we make) No, new!manager does not know how to make a cake. I have a photo of a cheesecake he "decorated" for Valentine's Day on my phone (which I might upload and show here sometime) that is a perfect candidate for Cake Wrecks. To top it off, new!manager took a week of vacation after former!supervisor's last day, so it was LITERALLY JUST ME. That pay period, instead of the standard 10 days, 80 hrs (5 days, 40 hrs per week), I worked 11 days and 120 hours. Yeah, I somehow fit THREE WEEKS OF WORK INTO TWO ACTUAL WEEKS. To say I was tired by the end of it would be an understatement. I'm STILL not sure I'm recovered. I'm still working a fair amount of overtime right now, on a regular basis, but at least we finally got another person in the back as of the beginning of this month. Which leads us to the next point:
  • Cake Stuff (mmm, cake): The girl I'm working with is a rehire. She used to be the production manager/bakery assistant manager, back when I started working here just over 2 years ago. So I've worked with her briefly before (that was, however, while I was still on the counter. I'd never worked with her in the back before this). She is my Amazing Co-Worker of Awesome. No, really. This girl (who's 26) has had one of her cakes featured in a Cake Wrecks "Sunday Sweets" post (will have to get the info on which one), and has competed (as part of a duo representing where she used to work) on a Food Network Challenge--and won. When Project Runway's Mondo won the All-Stars, she did the cupcakes for his victory party, and she just did an order for him for an Easter party he was throwing (she made me an extra; I have pics of that, at least. Also, OMGYUMMY). So, needless to say, I am learning a LOT from her. And she's made the offer, that if our schedules work out/I am okay with doing an occasional late night, she'll try to have me come over to her place and help her with custom orders, so I can learn fondant (we don't use it at work; We're a bakery dept in a gourmet grocer's, not a full-and-dedicated bakery). Basically, an unpaid internship/apprenticeship. Given that the CLASSES I'd need in this run $700, I'm okay with the unpaid-for-experience thing. 
  • Writing ALL THE WORDS (aka, Khas doesn't know how to write short!fic anymore): Um, this is pretty self-explanatory. I've been writing long-ass things, for the most part. Most recently, THIS fic (a remix of a short fic by dysonrules), which went all epic on me (the fic is complete and posted as such, now, at 35k or so). And then there's Smoochfest, and over a dozen other fics that are currently in progress (though some of those ARE short--1-5k). You might see an explosion of posting over the next couple/few months, partially because of...
  • BOB: Yep, I'm doing the productivity marathon at hd_writers (GO TEAM SNIDGET!). I've written a HELL of a lot of words so far this month, on various things. Also, LOTS OF PLOTTING AND RESEARCH.
  • Husband Stuff: He graduates next month (and is tweaking slightly). He got into both grad schools to which he applied, and yesterday, sent in his official acceptance to one and officially declined the other offer. So, looks like we'll be trying to move to Denver proper, instead of Arizona, in the fall (maybe winter, depending upon finances). He's also interning at a local news station, for the morning show (which starts airing at 5am), so we've been getting up at 2:30am, since he has to be there by 4:15. I generally open, and there's a 24-hr used bookstore/coffee shop halfway between home and work, so I hang there till I catch my bus to be at work by 6. Works out for both of us. He's done a LOT of stuff for them (technical directing, teleprompter, camera stuff, out-in-the-field stuff), and he's hoping for a part-time job out of it, which isn't unlikely.

  1. I get to have uniquepov visit for a few days!!!! (she arrives tomorrow night, omfgsqueeeeeee)
  2. Will, at some point, update the damned master list and spam you all with posting post-reveal fics (they'll go up on AO3 at the same time)
  3. Will also make the suit!porn picspam post I've got in the works
  4. There will be a Round 2 of Suits_Exchange (more on that  very soon)!
  5. ...other stuff, which I cannot remember, because I must go sprint for the bus.
*shoves netbook into purse and sprints*
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