HP Fanfic: "Jagged" (Harry/Draco) (R)

Jul 16, 2011 22:30

Title: Jagged
Beta: hanelissar 
Rating: R (to be safe)
Warnings: implied sex and strong language.
Word Count: 279
Author's Notes: Written for week 2 of the first LDWS at slythindor100. Prompt was "fuck me, fix me".

Draco knew he was weak. Frayed. Cut open. And he wasn’t the only one.

Harry was just as broken, though he was better at hiding it. Draco saw through the façade. It was in the way Harry’s laugh was hollow and fell flat, the way he gripped just a little too hard. Mostly, it was in his eyes. Draco knew that look; he saw it in the mirror every morning.

The night Harry offered himself up, Draco knew he was doing more than giving in to lust. His hands roamed Draco’s body, he landed greedy kisses on every bit of exposed flesh, and he fucking took as much as Draco could give him. Perhaps more. But underneath the demanding movements, the rough gasps and harsh cries, Draco saw something else. There was a hidden desperation, a silent pleading to be fixed. Draco knew it because he felt it, too.

In this moment together, Draco wasn’t sure which of them needed the other more, but he couldn’t admit that aloud. They were both worn, splintered ‘round the edges. But somehow their jagged edges aligned. Instead of cutting into each other, they fit together, two broken pieces becoming almost as strong as something whole, something that didn’t need fixing any longer.

It only lasted when they were together. When they could give themselves, body and mind, over to the other, it was easy to forget the fractured glass that couldn’t hold anything inside. Like crystal cleanly cracked in half, if pressed close enough, the break became invisible. Apart, the edges sliced wounds into tender skin, ripped into hearts and souls.

Merlin help him, he needed this. He was tired of bleeding.

fandom: harry potter, fanfiction, category: slash, pairing: harry/draco, length: drabble, ldws entry, era: post-hogwarts, rating: r, genre: angst

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