Inception Fic: Buying in Bulk (Arthur/Eames) (PG-13)

Jul 16, 2011 22:11

Title: Buying in Bulk
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 278
Beta: trialia 
Warning(s): small amount of swearing
Summary: In which Arthur goes through an alarming amount of office supplies.
Author's Notes: Written for week 1 of the second round at ae_ldws . Genre/cliche was UST, and the prompt was "broken pencil".


Arthur sighed and tossed the two halves of the pencil into his bottom drawer. Without a word, Ariadne opened the top drawer of her desk, dug around, and handed him a replacement. He muttered his thanks and went back to work. His notes were almost done, ready to present to their extractor for tomorrow's update.

A deep sigh from the other side of the room made Arthur look up, mid-sentence. Eames reclined back in his chair, one hand playing absently with his collar, which was now undone at the top button. His first two fingers trailed back and forth over his clavicle, tugging at the collar of his undershirt. Arthur watched the white cotton stretch, revealing tan skin underneath. Swallowing hard, he forced his head back down, concentrating on his assignment.

Three bullet-points later, a small clacking noise worked its way into his consciousness, causing him to look up again. Ariadne was poring over her blueprints. But Eames had a pen in hand, tapping it lightly against his teeth. The moment Arthur looked up, Eames raised the pen to his slightly parted lips. He moved his tongue around the tip and gave it a gentle suck, almost fellating the damned thing.

The pencil clutched in Arthur's fingers snapped.


Ariadne rummaged in her drawer and sighed. "Office supply run. Back in an hour."

From his desk, Eames smirked, his eyes flickering to Arthur. "While you're out, love, pick up a whole case of pencils. I think dear Arthur here's going to need them."

Arthur glared at Eames, who only grinned back and undid another shirt button.

Fuck. He was going to need that whole case of pencils.

pairing: arthur/eames, ldws entry, rating: pg-13, fandom: inception, fanfiction, category: slash, length: drabble

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