Update on Mathsie and fic rec requests

Mar 11, 2011 19:38

First, the update on Mathsie:
  • She never did end up going to that place in Bavaria. Still in the original place. Complicated set of reasons.
  • She's doing fairly well, but not awesomely. We didn't have a lot of time on the phone today before I ran completely out of Skype time, and when I asked, she said she didn't want to get depressed thinking about it just before bed (called as she was undressing for the evening). But there was much laughing and joking, so my best guess (as someone who talks to her quite often--daily, before this whole thing) is that yeah, some stuff sucks and today wasn't an awesome day, but it's not THAT bad. I've spoken to her those days. There's no laughing or joking.
  • She very recently dyed her hair (one of the other patients has been trained as a hairdresser, but has never actually been employed as one. To distract that patient from a really awful day, Mathsie and some others had her dye and/or style their hair. Went out and bought the supplies). Her hair is, as she put it, "a bit punk". She kept most of the length (lost the split ends), but her bangs are now blonde and the rest of her hair is violet.
  • Last time I spoke with her, she complained about her physical therapist being a sadist (we joked, as often, about her masochism). She was doing physio 5 days a week--2 in the water, 3 on land, I think. They actually think her hips have gotten stronger and they're thinking about changing her from the full-length, under-the-armpit crutches to the half-length, slip-your-forearms-through-the-little-loops kind.

Second, the fic rec requests:
  • If you could please spare a moment for this, I'd seriously appreciate it! I'm looking for fic requests in the Harry Potter fandom. Mostly slash, but femmeslash and even het are okay. Pairings include Harry/Draco, Draco/Neville, Harry/Severus, Draco/Severus, Harry/Draco/Severus, Draco/Charlie, Golden Trio, and whatever else you think is awesome. The only stipulations are that it has to be IN CHARACTER (not just random boys with the names "Harry" and "Draco" and some such, if you understand what I mean by that), that it be (what you consider to be) well-written, and that it the author uses BE (no Americanisms, please) and has a solid grasp of grammar, punctuation, and syntax. (I'm gathering recs for someone who's not been online in months, and won't be for several more. Going to burn them to CD or something and send them off to them). Oh, one more thing--not exceptionally fluffy/schmoopy, please. Not really her thing. Also, if you can think of any REALLY well-done BDSM and/or flogging fics, that'd be effing AMAZING. Can be hosted on LJ, or off-site. Any rating, really, and feel free to rec something with potential squicks (warn if you wish. I'll be going through them and am not actually "triggered" by anything, even if I don't LIKE something). Again, anything since, say... November. Fest fics and anything else since then are fair game. If anything from another fandom sounds like it might fit, feel free to rec that, too, either via comment here, or PM. Thanks so much in advance!
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