Random Thoughts (and yes, posts THREE days in a row now!)

Mar 07, 2011 21:37

Watching 500 Days of Summer for the zillionth time. I will never tire of this film.

I am seriously behind on updating my master list (well, mostly posting fest fics to my own LJ). Sorry if I spam you all with things you've already read over the next couple of weeks or so.

My expanded LJ user icon space expires in....well, a few hours, actually. Too broke to afford more space (literally, virtually no monies in the bank account, and payday's nearly 2 weeks away).

I would like to finish at least 3 charity fics by the end of this week.

Speaking of the "end of the week", I really want to see the Valensmut reveals. I have no idea who wrote mine (my recipient probably knows it was me).

There are some AWESOME fics at hd_remix (seriously. I must make a post of actual recs sometime soon). And I know of a few more that are coming up that will blow people away. I have been squeeing over a few, but cannot quote bits at people just yet.

I remembered, thanks to one of you on twitter, that I have an account at myfitnesspal.com. I did really well when I used it before. Now that I have a friend there, perhaps being able to motivate each other will spur me on further.

I need to figure out what I'm giving up for Lent. Current idea is soda (I'm currently at somewhere between 1 can and 5 cans per day. Yeah, yeah, I know).

I was contacted by the winner of my auction fic. I essentially have carte blanche (only a few minor restrictions, like happy ending, no character death of H or D, they have to end up together.... I pretty much expect those limitations on all fics, a few particular prompters excluded). Trying to figure out what kind of fic/what plot I want to work on. It's a longer one-shot--10k+.

I REALLY need to get cracking on reading more actual books if I want to hit my goal of 50 books by the end of the year (minimum 40 new books; up to 10 can be re-reads. Ash is going to be a re-read, but it's for bookdeyada_club).

Twitter account is likely going locked within the next few days or so. No particular stimulus. But my mother and young siblings use the thing, and I don't necessarily want them having access to all of those tweets, as many are fandom-related.

How the fuck did I get this far in the Arthur/Eames LDWS?

Relatedly, I wrote something today that's a genre I thought I loathed. Not sure if it's any good.

In other stepping-outside-my-safety-zone fic news, my brain also gave me a bit of narration and dialogue for a next-gen fic (I typically avoid next-gen like the plague), Albus Severus/Scorpius as the pairing (general omniscient POV, though I thought at first it was Harry's, until Draco's POV crept up next "paragraph"). Not sure if I'll write it or not. Unsure if I can pull it off.

I should be in bed right now. Wide awake, though.

I love you guys.
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