Dog Weirdos Again.....

May 01, 2024 18:56

AKA Dindu Ruffins strikes again.
Matt Walsh did a video yesterday highlighting my favorite gripe with a side order of my second favorite gripe. A politician I never heard of and didn't give a crap about named Kristi Noem wrote a book about the hard decisions she had to make working on a ranch. Twenty years ago, she had a 14-month-old wirehair pointer named Cricket who was aggressive and couldn't be trained to hunt pheasants, which was the reason she had it around. She tried an electric collar and brought it on a hunt with experienced dogs, but it ran around acting like an idiot. At the end of the day, Noem stopped to talk to a local family. The dog escaped the truck and immediately killed a bunch of the family's chickens by crunching their necks, then moving on to the next. When Noem tried to pull it away, dog snapped at her. She eventually led it to a ditch and shot it.

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Supposedly, the vitriol from people on both the right and the left was overwhelming. I saw enough of it in the comments section of Matt Walsh's post, although there were a lot of reasonable voices there too. I couldn't help it; I wrote the following: This outrage is the product of how western society has too high of a percentage of childless weirdos with no social skills who empathize with animals more than people. There's also a touch of cultural misogyny. Women hating incels be like, "That cold-hearted biiiiiiii....she said she hated the dog! When I had to put down Stankerina the Child-Biting Inbred Pitbull, my eyes were wet with tears!!!!" I should have written...what about the poor chickens? Why doesn't anybody care about those pitiful creatures that are afraid of everything because almost every predator will go after them, but all the weirdos care about is the shitty shit shit shithead chicken killing dog that deserved to get put down? I mean, seriously, animal shelters put down millions of unwanted dogs every year, many of which have docile temperaments. Pregnant dogs get put down to spare puppies lingering painful deaths from exposure and parasites. Many breeders of purebreds will put down newborn puppies with defects.
Matt Walsh didn't want to commit occupational suicide, so he said killing the dog was wrong because it was still a puppy (the damn thing was 14 months old. Godammit it all..stop it!), but then he said that it's ridiculous how society gets more worked up over a dead dog than they would a dead child, or the fact that since Cricket was put down 20 years ago, 20 million children have been aborted. This is a symptom of a truly sick society, and nowhere else in history has the majority of people been this weird about dogs. He called it a form of moral dementia and said some are replacing their children with dogs, which, (like the social contagion of transgenderism,) will eventually cause civilizational collapse if enough people do it.
I was right to express the point I did because there's a lot of good old sexism here. A lot of comments accused her of trying to sound tough...because she's a woman. They assumed the dog was bad because she couldn't train it...because she's a woman. Get it! There are no bad dogs, just bad trainers! That dindog who snapped one day and bit a child after being treated well its whole life was obviously trained wrong! There was a lot of Dunning-Krueger where people assumed they could have done a better job training the dog. One person said it would have taken only three months to get the dog under control, never mind if it had a taste for blood after mass murdering chickens.
That's another asinine trait of dog-weirdos, like literally millions upon millions of unwanted dogs get euthanized every year, but a dog-weirdo will glom on the grossest most defective beast and dote on it. They get a sense of purpose a normal person has raising their own flesh and blood with the added bonus of that sense of virtue. They SAVED that groaty deformed dog drooling out its butthole while hauling itself around in a doggy wheelchair or what have you. I've already talked about seeing this mentality among that clique of incels on Anon Conservative back in the day. They'd make comments about how bonding with a dog revealed a true sense of compassion and empathy in a person, but then they'd turn right around and talk about women as if they were soul less puppets.

chickens, matt walsh, political, ridiculous, dogs, this shit again, youtube, weirdos

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