One Foot in Normie-Land

Aug 03, 2019 14:58

This (second public in a year) post may be harsh and mean, but srsly guys, it needs to be said. It combines my two favorite gripes: 1.) People who get weird about their dogs -and- 2.) Right wing guys who blame all the problems of the world on women, which is equally as helpful as when left wing women blame everything on guys.

The other day, I'm reading Anonymous Conservative. He has a dog, but he hasn't gotten as weird about it as some of the regular commenters. That's where I first encountered someone claiming that dog ownership imbues a person with greater character and empathy than cat owners. Then on July 30th, A/C posted a video from the Twitter of a guy named Steve-O (of Jackass fame). The guy looks to be in his fifties and has a voice that sounds like he's sucking helium. -Totally squirrelly. He talks about walking through the streets of Peru trying to coax a filthy street dog with food into letting him pet it. -Sounds like fun right? -But to each his own.

A/C had written: I am fairly well convinced that dogs are some sort of agent of God on earth. They can change not just your life, but who you are. Get a dog, and the effect they will have on the course of your life will be immeasurable, and in retrospect, it will often seem the dog knew what it was doing a lot more than you did. So when I see videos like these, I am amused, because here, crazy Steve-O of Jackass fame, thinks he is saving that dog, but the dog’s expression and my own experience makes me wonder if that dog doesn’t have a plan that is the other way around. And yes, he brought her back to the states. The hand of God in action:
I did a Stan Marsh where I held my nose and went "...aaawwwwwww.....AAAAAWWWWWW...." I ended up leaving my usual reply of how that 'agent of God' would eat his dead body if it was locked in with him, and how one time I saw a documentary about how dogs evolved to become more like infants to be like parasites. That's why people get weird about them compared to other animals.
-So that was that, but then yesterday on the r/K Facebook page, someone had posted a misogynistic comment by a Steven Molyneux, who sounds like he's of that same bitter, libertarian neck-beard set as you'd find following Chateau Heartiste. He had written:

‪Men want female fertility, women want male resources.‬

‪For women, fertility decreases; for men, resources increase. ‬

‪Women are born rich, and quickly go broke.‬

‪Men are the opposite.‬

‪Men age like wine.‬

‪Women age like milk.‬

‪Wake up & mate up.‬

I had this to say:

The problem with men these days -and this has been brought up on Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro shows- is that women might lose their fertility if they wait too long, yet they are the ones accumulating those resources men should have in their old age. If you look at Steve-O's Twitter, he looks no better than those middle-aged partier losers I work with who are still in that permanent Peter Pan stage. He's still partying and doing dumb crap like knocking caps off bottles with his penis. I remember when I was in my twenties and hanging out with the old crowd, we sat around one night watching Jackass videos. They were all skateboard tricks and dumb stuff, like one time he peed into a snowcone and had his friend take a bite. That might have been funny back then, but now I wouldn't think so. My interests have changed. The people I associate with are more into age-appropriate 'normal people' stuff. Old partier losers my age with no gfs or kids might still think that shit was funny.
Then guys are just getting WEIIIIRD. Maybe it's the higher prevalence of autism, or maybe the food we eat. Mom said something about it. Funny we moved thirty minutes across the border into Indiana, and every teenager we see working in a Subway here looks pretty normal. It wasn't like that in Illinois. You wouldn't believe it, but there was a difference, and it was bad. Mom was actually worried about when Sofie would start dating in Manteno because all the guys there looked like freaks and losers. Then, because I'm on the topic of A/C's site, I'll read some weird-ass conspiracy stuff and wonder what percentage of guys actually think like this, and that's why they'll end up dying alone (eaten by their dog, lol!)
You no longer have to be pretty sure that such things can and do happen. From my experience, there is no doubt. I’ve had women repeatedly have sex with me just to gain intelligence. And I’m not really all that important.

I have ZERO doubt that Cabal has women marry men in order to keep them tied down, occupied, surveilled. Or at the very least just to make sure that the man stays loyal to cabal and doesn’t take any threatening positions. As Q says, “follow the wives.” If you get out of line, the wife divorces you and she’ll be backed up by cabal attorneys and judges and they’ll rip your life apart. Hell, your own attorney might even be cabal, in which case he’ll have no problem seeing you taken to the cleaners.

All that horseshit about attorney client privilege and attorneys have ethics.. yeah, it’s horseshit. We learned that nonsense from the movies.

Women are dangerous and cabal specifically targets them and for whatever reason they seem very likely to be willing to go along with things. The lack of ethics displayed by some women is truly stunning. When women feel protected from any attack and feel no fear of consequence you’ll be astonished at their savagery.

Women can make your life miserable. All it takes is going out on a date and being a perfect gentleman and dropping her off at home for her to call the police and say you threatened her. It will most likely get thrown out but just the sheer hassle such an event will bring to your week is ominous.

Here’s a thought: we know that women are attracted to men of power. I have no doubt that many powerful men who get into marriage destroying problems have been seduced by cabal women who were sent with that purpose in mind. Yes, there are cabal women who will put the moves on you knowing that it will destroy you, you family, your business. They don’t care. The savagery is unbelievable.
I'm on the fence about whether or not there's that big of a surveillance state out there, but my intuition tells me that the problem of women screwing guys for intel is PROBABLY NOT THAT BIG A PROBLEM. If it is, I need proof.

To wrap this up with a bit of macabre humor, here are two happenings within a couple weeks of each other where people actually got eaten by their dogs. The first happened in Texas. A reclusive guy in San Antonio was eaten by his eighteen dogs. Sheesh...we have one guardian angel. Does anyone really need eighteen more God's Agents? Nobody is sure if he died naturally or was killed by the dogs, as by the time someone noticed he was missing, his body had been reduced to tiny bone fragments...basically whatever the dogs couldn't eat.
Then there was an 80 year old hoarder in Detroit who was eaten by her Rottweiler, which later died (of thirst?). She was checked out of a hospital sound of mind, so her relative wasn't allowed to break in and do a well-check. What a shithole Detroit is! You'd think most police would be okay with doing an unofficial break in because old people get into trouble and are left unable to call for help all the time.

political, psychology, dogs, weirdos, lesson

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