Oct 15, 2009 19:24
I suppose I should be used to this by now. Going to Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco and meeting people, but I met someone. Now...this is not to say I love my wife any less, and you must understand by now that I am in a polyamorous relationship with Erin so there is no dishonesty. Folsom Street Fair was great and my Venus' Playground was Fabulous. I ended up playing with some magnificent people. Let's call her Sara and hym Julian. Sara was amazing and Julian was everything I went to San Francisco for. I was able to get out my sadistic needs with them both and fucked until 4 in the morning before my flight left in the afternoon. That was a GREAT trip.I Slept for almost a whole day and got sick too. My wife Erin stayed home and was happy I got all of my needs met while there and walks in on my conversations with Julain and just laughs at how giggly I can get. I also met someone else that late september weekend...who is equally wonderful.
We've been chatting over the phone and it has been a pleasure getting to know her. I haven't talked on the phone for long streches in some time. I am grateful for my life. My wife has a ring on her finger and I have playmates that my wife isn't geared for and she's ok with it.