Picture of the Week: Passive Voice

Feb 24, 2015 19:32

Since I'm doing so much editing, I wanted to mention: to be verbs are not automaticaly passive voice.  They often are, but they aren't automatically.  (Specifically, descriptive phrases are almost never passive voice despite using to be verbs all the time.)

In a different note, I think I might take March off from social media.  I feel like all it's doing is screwing with my mood.  I'll still be online, because I have to use the internet to check my email and apply for jobs (which is another thing affecting my mood), but I'll be dropping off FB, LJ and NaNo for a while.  (I'll probably return a few days early to get in a cabin for Camp NaNo, to be perfectly honest.  April will be a return to the editing I've been slacking on.)

So, yeah.  March will be time for me to catch up on reading, let my muse rest, and get more writing/editing done.  I like this plan.  

editing, picture of the week, writing

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