BL: The Traveler (Twelve Hawks, John)

Aug 10, 2007 16:23

John Twelve Hawks, The Traveler
Doubleday (2005) ISBN: 0-385-51428-X
Score: 1.5

Start of the Fourth Realm series, an urban fantasy about using ubiquitous surveillance to crush dissent. Fairly exciting, but I would have been happier without the supernatural element (Travelers are people who can send their souls into other dimensions; the Fourth Realm is our world). Slight spoiler: V jbaqre vs gur nhgube vf njner bs gur vebal bs univat gur crbcyr svtugvat gb or aba-pbasbezvfgf arngyl cnve hc vagb urgrebfrkhny pbhcyrf.

Next Book: Scott Lynch, Red Seas Under Red Skies

twelve hawks; john, 2005, booklog

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