Shaenon K. Garrity, Narbonic collections have been published, three more to be published)
Score: 3
This is a daily webcomic that ran from July 31, 2000 to December 31, 2006; and now that it's over, the author is going to start reposting it with annotations. Set here and now (mad science works but normal people are really good at not noticing), this is the story of characters who are evil, but in a nice way. It's really impressive to see a story updated six times a week without losing quality or focus. The Sunday updates are a collection of random stuff, including a few canon strips (the very first and very last Sundays) and a couple good stories: "The Astonishing Excursions of Helen Narbon & Co." is a serialized graphic novel about the Victorian versions of the cast in space, and "A Brief Moment of Culture" is a prose story by Jeffrey Wells (the first half is illustrated by Garrity and serialized, but then she ran out of time and just put the second half up in a big block); both are worth reading, and get mentioned a few times in the canon strips. The "Dave in Slumberland" pages may technically be canon (a couple times we see canon Dave wake up from them), but they don't add much. There's also a story hidden in the filenames of the later strips, but I haven't figured out yet where it starts.
Next Book: Kit Whitfield, Benighted