Sunday Barbecue

May 17, 2009 16:41

Sunday was crazy busy from morning until almost bed time. We woke up around 8:30am, tired from only getting a few hours sleep since we stayed up half the night with the Rocky Horror experience. Groggy. Green tea. Went to Freddy's to get barbecue supplies: food and a few extra chairs since we have a serious lack of chairage. When we got home, Kathy started making salad and putting the sides in dishes. Aaron went to Reed to pick up his gown for graduation on Monday. And I did last minute cleanup stuff: swept the back patio, cleaned up the mud room/cat lock/passage between the outside and the rest of the house that people would probably be using a lot. Clean, clean, clean. Set up table in the backyard. Moved food to it. Put soda and keg in the cooler. More cleaning.

Our first guests first started arriving sometime after Noon. I wasn't really expecting anyone until 2pm, but I got most of the worst of the cleaning stuff out of the way before then, so it worked out okay. The rest of the day was both wonderful, seeing great friends, and crazy, trying to greet people, make sure everyone has food and drink, chairs, other host stuff etc. We had invited a lot of people, but luckily they all came at different times, so many people arrived just as other people were leaving, which means our little backyard didn't get overly crowded. My neighbor, Ariel, offered her backyard with its cool kid playground stuff for the entertainment of the various kids that people brought. I have the best neighbors in the world, pretty much.

I saw a bunch of people who I hadn't seen in a really long time, and it was great catching up with everyone, although it was similar to my wedding in that I didn't have enough time to chat with anyone before I had to run off and do something else. We have an extraordinarily cool group of friends and need to make an effort to hang out with them more often. Everyone was finally gone around 8:30pm, and then we had to cleanup. Whew. I was so glad that we were taking Monday off for Aaron's graduation, because we sure needed a little break after all that vacationing.


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