Unpaid staph visit

May 24, 2011 10:14

So just before we hopped in the car to sneak out to the lake for the long week-end the doctor from the Pan Am Clinic called. He let me know that indeed the swab of my foot had come back and that I had a staph infection. viridis_ama thought that what I had sounded somewhat like Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. I'm not a doctor, but that does seem plausible.

Either way, the antibiotics are definitely working and my feet are on the mend. Heck, I can actually walk with-out even a semblance of a limp, and that makes me pretty happy!

On the week-end I also asploded my lawn mower, had our dryer conk out (it's either the timer or the element), and got to visit the HSC dream cabin. I'll probably post more about that later.

If anyone else goes out to see the cabin, let me know if you find my hubcap!

cabin, health, foot

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