Nov 05, 2010 20:36
It's one of those weird things, and perhaps it is just particular to me, but I don't really think so.
I don't keep in touch with a lot of people, at least not in much more than very surface-level ways. It could be an insecurity thing. It could be due to my whole short-memory/short-attention/lack-of-focus motif, or just plain old lack of planning better.
One thing is that I find things like Facebook to be a bit of a bitter pill. The facade that is presented by so many folks that I've "caught up with" after 15 years seems pretty shiny compared to mine.
I think I've found another reason why I eschew Facebook so.
Too many blanks that I can fill in to make myself feel mediocre. It's a funny thing, that.
I probably just need to clean out my office and make room for art again.