Long time, no post

Nov 21, 2007 09:21

Actually, long time no read either, although I skimmed the last few days.


House stuff progresses. In theory our kitchen cabinets are being delivered today and installed Friday. The tile in the family room is done (and gorgeous) and everything got primed yesterday. Slowly but surely, progress is being made. I'm cautiously optimistic about being "moved in" for Christmas, in which case there will be a big open house or something.

I have been on & off sick for about 10 days. I'm sure some of it is not having heat in the house, and the quantity of dust & ick floating around.

I had my biggest cranky-moment to date with the construction manager over...doors. How dumb.

Work is very busy, although hopefully we'll put a big project we've been working on to bed today and then have a smidge of a lull.

House stuff makes me disorganized about stuff, and frustrated. PS's work schedule has been crazy and we end up having to make decisions and stuff when we're tired. He ended up having to work Saturday, which sucked, and then Sunday morning (his birthday) I was up and out early to go to the laundromat, and we didn't get over to S&C's on Saturday 'cause of the aforementioned working thing and then crankiness and then having to pick flooring. I'm starting to get tired of this. I miss important dates and events 'cause I'm all discombobulated. I can't find *anything*. I'm sick of eating at my desk. It's the national holiday of cooking and I had to tell my charming hostess "I'll bring anything I can cook at your house", which is lame in the extreme.

That said, my life isn't bad. Its just chaotic right now.

And I should go scavenge a food unit before my conference call.
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