(no subject)

Oct 27, 2007 10:14

Some things make me more nervous than others, for no real reason. Today it's because two of the all-around-guys (Omar & Angel) are here moving all the crap out of our loft/attic space and down into the crawl space so that the attic can be insulated properly (and no longer used for storage). The noises and everything just make me nervous - I should have arranged to be out of the house during this process. I hate the attic ladder and worry that it will break. I worry something will break. Or someone. The hazard of growing up in generations of po' folk is that I worry about *things* a lot. Then I listen to the radio stories of the folks in California who have lost everything, and I start to quiver. On some level, it would be so healthy for me to just get rid of everything, but it would also break my heart. There are all these issues tied up in having enough, and having the right stuff, and being able to replace stuff. Bleah.

I was supposed to wash the car today, but that seems pretty pointless, given that it's pissing down rain. Even vacuuming it seems silly, since I'll just track in more mud - our front yard and driveway are a swamp - they delivered fill dirt right before the rain came.

I need to run out to Staples for report covers for work, and we need a couple of things from the grocery/CVS, and I need to do laundry. Ah, the excitement that is my life. And I need to do some work-work - mostly organizing stuff and transcribing notes.
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