(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 14:36

So.  As of the past month or so, my normal sleeping schedule has been flipped upside down.  Normally, I get up at least around 8:30 AM, if not 6:00 AM or earlier, and I go to bed around 10:00 or 10:30 PM.  But recently it's been the exact opposite!  I have been staying up until 4:00 AM or so and not getting up until 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM!  One day I actually stayed up until 5:00 AM.  That was a huge deal for me because just a year ago, that was when I was waking up!!  I have never felt more undisciplined in my life!!  I feel like I have reached the pinnacle of my..........  It's just bad, okay?!?!  Very, very, very bad!!  I feel so ashamed of the lack of control I have over myself!

I am a morning person.  I NEED to get up early in order to accomplish things.  When I wake up very late like I have been, I can't convince myself to take a shower right away because "I've already lost the jump-start on my day," once I've taken a shower I can't start getting stuff done because "I've already wasted the majority of my day," and later in the day (and now the night) when I'm just killing time before supper/bed I can't bring myself to work on things or do ANYTHING of ANY importance or usefulness, really, because "I've wasted all of my day today so I might as well just enjoy having a lazy day and I'll work hard and get stuff done tomorrow."  It's a cycle of undisciplined-laziness!  And I don't have enough will power to break the cycle!  Goddamn this Dryer of Truths.  Someday I WILL OVERCOME YOU!!!

... I'm sorry.  I'm so weird.  Sorry you had to see that.

So yeah.  I have nothing to report because I have literally done nothing for the past few weeks.  Well not literally... but I have metaphorically done nothing for the past few weeks.  Because I have a busy and fulfilling life.  (SARCASM)

OH!  Actually there has been something!  There is a car that I saw once a long time ago that I fell in love with.  Now, here is something you should know:  I am a girl.  Being a (somewhat) normal person, I don't fall into every stereotype whose category I fall into, but in this case it is the utter truth.  I am a girl, and like all girls out there (not), I know absolutely nothing about cars.  Nothing.  In fact, I call everything a car.  This includes trucks, vans,... mini-vans,... cara-vans (?),....  Basically, I am the absolute epitome of that stereotype.  So when I fell in love with this car, I had no way of knowing what kind of car it was to look it up, not even the basics of car identification!  All I could tell people was that it was a kind of old-fashioned car with a long front, and circular head-lights.  That was it.  Friends and family tried to help, people who were much more car-savvy than I, but alas, it was to no avail.  I had no hope of ever finding that car again.  BUT!  After doing a little research on the internet and surfing through countless photos, I FOUND IT.

Apparently it's a "1974 Jaguar convertible E-Type."  Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?!?!  I was so excited when I found it.  Being picky, I wish it didn't have those... black things sticking out in the front, but oh well.  It's GORGEOUS!!!  I wish I had the money and confidence to buy it and drive it everywhere.  But I'm afraid even if I was able to find and buy it it would break down easily, not to mention I'm not sure if I could drive it very well, what with the unusual shape and all.  But I finally know what it is now!  It's a miracle in itself that I actually found it!  I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I did.  It was amazing!

That was about a week ago.  Now I have to get back to the real world, where I can't wake up in a timely manner!!  Curse you, Dryer of Truths!

(For some of you dimmer web-surfers, I say dryer because it's a cycle, and the dryer spins...  I know, I know- I'm very clever and hilarious.)

((That was sarcasm.  I'm fully aware of how un-funny I am, thank you.  No need to get worked up about it.))
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