So, I have kids who sneak out of the room. A lot. And be noisy.
The teacher three doors down - Mrs Year 3 - who is outside the boys' toilets has in the past complained about my noisy kids going to the toilet.
Her complaints have gotten louder and more frequent and she's - quite frankly being rather a bitch about it. Apparently now it is impacting on her and causing her stress that she has to tell these children off and she shouldn't have to and they are just terrible. Just awful children.
So she complained once when the kids had a relief teacher that my class were terrible, awful. So the Dpeuty grabbed the kids and sat them down and worked out a hallway pass type strategy.
Except the sneaky ones simply ignore it. (Of course)
So Mrs Year 3 says to the principal how it's an Occ Health and safety issue. So the principal says let's bring it up and address it at the staff mtg - do that, will you? So Mrs Year 3 tells me how she's going to bring ti up, it's not personal just so's I know.
I'm cool with it. I know my kids sneak out, i know it's not on. It'd be good to get some feedback and strategies etc.
So then why would you spend the whole time talking about how awful it is mentioning my classroom and my name repeatedly. I felt very uncomfortable. However I knew she was going to bring it up, reminded myself it's not personal. I'm okay ...
Then the other teachers get in on the act - it's a whole school problem - there are other students ... from downstairs for example.
Oh yes but Mrs Year 3 is being stressed out and can't do her teaching because of these ones from my class - oh and Mr Drama has had girls going down to the toilets harassed as well. (Did Mr Drama know she was going to talk about him???)
But so far I'm okay. Sort of. Holding it together. (Felt like a right idiot with a spotlight on me I tells ya) Until the Marshmallow Woman jumps in."Oh when students leave the room, you just call me ... and I come."
Mrs Year 3 nearly had a conniption and starts in on her "No you don't!"
Which is true but now Marshmallow Woman is protesting "But they never call!!!"
Having been named and shamed as The Perpetrator by Mrs Year 3 I now lose it because Marshmallow Woman is saying I don't call.
This is so 'funny' it makes you want to to cry.
I call and get no answer.
I call and get the voicemail.
I call and get "tell them to come to me." (lady if they would *go* anywhere if I asked them to, I wouldn't bloody call you)
I call and get "I've got 4 children down here, can you tell them to go to Buddy Class." (and I'm calling because they won't go to Buddy Class ...)
It's at this point several people call for a screaming halt to proceedings. I manage to leave the room before losing it entirely - but only just.
As I said this morning to Mrs Teacher-Librarian it's a power over and bullying by a Step 9 (highest experience) teacher and a person from leadership. They are in a position of power over me and it's unfair. Mrs Year 3 actually framed it as wanting to support and help me as a beginning teacher.
Well then bloody don't act like it's a big imposition on you when you have to shoo my kids back to class - help me and support me by shooing them back to class the way I do for any kid *I* see wandering!
As the principal said - I got used and caught in the middle of a beef that Mrs Year 3 has with Marshmallow Woman. We all have the same beef but what happened was Not On.
The stupidest thing is that EVERYBODY knows it and they all feel AWFUL for me. I've been emailed and Mr PE has been Very Kind and smiley to me (and he's a bit grumpy tbh - lovely man just not actually very smiley so i can tell eh's making an effort). The Principal is still on part time duties and not there today so the Deputy spoke to me and yeah I can tell - you know?
The one idiot who can't see it is Marshmallow Woman. She was acting like we were all chummy today and she's completely oblivious to the fact she contributed significantly to the problem. Mrs Year 3 rang me to touch base and so on and while I assured her all was well there are thunderclouds from everyone else about what she said. Mrs Deputy said that even though she spoke to me "it wasn't personal" she still made it VERY personal. Everyone has been telling me what a wonderful job I am doing etc and I do believe them. I just still feel very upset and tense.
My jaw actually hurts and I can't relax it.
To top it off today Marshmallow Woman rang me to return a student that Ms Science had placed with her. Ms Science was helping out in leadership role as the more senior ones were out. So I called her (because Marshmallow Woman did not answer the phone) and she took He-Who-Should-Be-In-Special-Class-His-IQ-Is-That-Low away and sat him in the space reserved for the naughty children. Okay that's not PC but let's be realistic. :P
Anyway I then get a phone all that He-Who-Should-Be-In-Special-Class-His-IQ-Is-That-Low is calm now and she's going to send him back and she has to go off and do home visits and things and it's the first time in 17 weeks she hasn't been on first call for behaviour and blah blah blah. I'm thinking I don't care about your iss-ewes. I don't want the kid back and this is highly inappropriate to tell me that you are sending him back because you have something better to do!
I'm so tense and highly strung atm that this phone call caused me to get really stressed. It's a disgusting place to be in - I tell ya!
The Deputy is wonderful. She's just lovely and spoke to me twice today because dealing with Marshmallow Woman is giving me heart palpitations. I am justified - all staff agree - I just feel so damn fragile. It's an awful feeling.
One more day until the weekend!