On Friday He-Who-Would-Be-Alpha-Male was waiting on the steps of the school when I turned up approximately half an hour before the first bell. He is often a little early but this seemed earlier than normal - especially on a cold winter's morning as his sister wasn't with him. I said "Hello, you are here early." This is when he handed me a note and started talking about not having to come today but here was a note and he was going to see his family on the weekend (his older siblings live with dad I think is the story and he was going up with mum and little sister to see them - wasn't 100% sure). SO I looked at the note which said can he please be ready after lunch at the office and I told him to make sure he packed his bag before lunch play and go stright there etc etc and went into the building.
On the inside I was just spun out and went to the Principal's Office, I caught both her and the Deputy and said, "I need to see you for half a minute ..." And I told them how He-Who-Would-Be-Alpha-Male had told me he didn't have to come to day and sister wans't here so mum obviously gave him the option of a day off and he was going to see his siblings and last time he saw them he did have a Family day and take the whole day off but ... HE'S HERE.
This is amazing.
He's been such a changed kid since the medication and working with a community support worker person (I think she's a social worker who does psychology type stuff?). They made stress balls out of balloons and rice the other day and he brought me one. I thought it was for him in the classroom but he mumbled something about it being for me so I clarified with the worker and yes, he made me a present. He's doing so marvelously well. he comes up to tell me he's bored, so we then have a conversation and I am thinking "uh oh ... is he gunna get narky and storm out, is he going to start disrupting class or ... what."
He just wanted to tell me he was bored, there was nothing I could do about it cos he hates literacy. But he communicated like a reasonable human being and returned to the task. So I told the Principal and the Deputy "He didn't have to be here. But he's here. The Principal stopped, frowned for a moment (processing time!) then this smile just appeared on her face when she realised the impact of this small, seemingly insignificant moment in time. She was just beaming at me, for me, it was just such a cool moment as we all realised the real significance of this moment. (The Deputy was looking all pleased and stuff too). And then despite the fact that I am not a generally huggy person really, and I think people have figured it out, she gave me a hug and it was all so happy! I mean it was the sort of moment where you throw you cares to the wind and say "Stuff you if you're not huggy I'm gunna freaking do it anyway because this is HUGE!"
He-Who-Would-Be-Alpha-Male then spent the whole morning telling me "I didn't have to come today you know!' ROFLOL
The first round of job offers is up for the year.
It's for Graduate and Early Career teachers - to be eligible you have to have graduated in 2008, 2009, 2010 or will in 2011. I graduated in 2009. They are Permanent positions. Permanent. That means I get to have a job forever. There are 100 jobs. Many of them are High Schools or rural but there are a number of primary schools. Including my kids' school - a ten year tenure. After that I have to be given a job elsewhere by the Department. At my kids' school. Around the corner. Walking distance. Eliminating child care issues.
This is my dream job. Seriously.
I'm full of doubts/concerns/worries - will knowing the staff already be a help or hinderance to my prospects? I haven't been to a job interview in nearly 20 years .... I don't know how to write a one page personal statement. I have just thought - I'll need a portfolio ... I think! (Logic tells me they will want evidence of my practice this year and last LOL)
I know my current colleagues will support me and tell em anything I need to know/do but - how scary! Exciting and scary! I love where I work now, I love the people and I'm enjoying the older primary kids. This is for Juniors - so 5-8yos - and what if I hate working with the other teachers? I feel these are silly worries LOL but I still have them! But there is no possible way I would pass up the chance to apply for Permanency! There's not a lot of places, only 100 but you have to take a chance!